This essay discusses the functionalist and Marxist approach to the relationship between education and economy.

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Assignment 2 – Data response (f) – type question

This essay discusses the functionalist and Marxist approach to the relationship between education and economy.

The functionalist approach to education follows the same principles as all functionalist approaches to the study of society. It is concerned with the functions or role of education for society as a whole, in particular its contribution to maintaining social stability through the development of value consensus, social harmony and cohesion. It examines the links between education and other social institutions, such as family and the work place. There are 2 important writers for this who are Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) and the American functionalist Talcott Parson. They identified four basic functions on education which is passing on society’s culture, providing a bridge between particularistic values and ascribed status of the family and the universalistic values and achieved status of industrial society, providing a trained and qualified labour force and selecting and allocating people to roles in a meritocratic society, and legitimizing social inequality. There are three related allocation roles: which are the socialisation role, the allocation role and the vocational role.

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    The socialisation role argues that schools and training acts as a form of secondary socialisation that follows primary socialisation within the family. Both Durkheim and Parsons claim that education functions to maintain social stability and cohesion by transmitting socially agreed norms and values through both the “formal” and “hidden” curriculum. For example, schools insist on a “work ethic” into individuals and provides them with basic skills of numeracy and literacy that are essential for a modern industrial economy.

    The vocational role outlined a variant of functionalism called human capital theory. This rests on the assumption ...

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