What economic, social, political and cultural factors influence the ability for women to gain an education?

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What economic, social, political and cultural factors influence the ability for women to gain an education?

In LEDC’s, women’s roles consist mainly of looking after a family and working on the land to increase food productivity. In Zambia, Ghana, Botswana and Gambia, studies found that the amount harvested depended not on what the land could yield but on how much work the women could possibly fit into the daylight hours. Some types of work are not available to women in the third world. If women were given the choice to be educated, famine would be an issue threatening almost all developing countries. In Nepal, although women provide between 66% and 100% of the labour in agricultural activities, training and advice about agriculture has always been directed more at men. New technology introduced tends to help men with their tasks despite the fact that women have more back-breaking work to do on the land.

The political situation makes it difficult for women to access education. In Britain it was not until the 1850’s that schools were opened for girls to have the chance to study the same subjects as boys the same age. Before, they spent their time learning ‘accomplishments’ which were based on how to be a good wife to their future husband to ensure that they did not stay single for long. Girls were not entitled to higher education until the 1870’s and even then only a handful of girls actually sat exams and went on to a choice of limited professions including teaching and telephone switchboard operators.

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Discrimination is an issue with regard to the education of women. The traditional roles of women staying at home and the view of men being the sole providers for a family still exist. In Britain, during the wars, most women had to step into the shoes of men who went off to fight in the war and did their jobs exceptionally well but on the return of the men; it was found unacceptable that women could be capable of the same jobs as men. Employers often favour males when looking to fill a post and it has been shown ...

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