What Makes a Criminal?

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What Makes a Criminal?

Genetics is the most argued point of criminology today. Some believe that genetics cause people to commit crimes. People research to find out if a certain chromosome combination will automatically will make you a criminal or not. If this is true you could see even before your child was born if it would be a criminal in society. These studies proved very successful. Here are some outcomes of the geneticist and their lab studies :

One of the most used theories of why criminals commit crimes is the person's ability to commit crime is pre-determined. If that is so criminals have no choice of what they do. Some of the genetic abnormalities that would make someone pre-determined would be the XYY chromosomal structure (Not effective in women, just men). A chromosomal test in prisons had an outcome of 27Y, which means most of the prisoners had that many Y chromosomes. This is a chemical imbalance caused either from genetics.

These theories have been tested on people in prison and have seem to have a high outcome. The "criminal disease" could be caused by a recessive gene passed down from one or either both of the parents. This means if it is recessive in a female that both parents must give 2 recessive genes to get that disease. That is why you rarely see woman criminals in our society. If the parents give the recessive gene to the male offspring the male automatically has the disease since he does not have another X chromosome to have another dominant chromosome to over write the disease. Therefore a person may carry the disease and it may not show for many generations and suddenly show up in someone. You can never tell unless you study the genes and DNA very closely.

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If genetics doesn't control crime what does? Most of the criminologist today still believe the same thing that was thought when we first started to look into crime. It's the environment and nothing else. Genetics has no play, because if you are never introduced to a life of crime you wont know what crime is, and wont be able to commit crime, but if you grow up in a house of crime they are going to comment crime due to the fact that all they know is crime and wont be able to do anything but that. If this is ...

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