What was the role of the government in developing Elementary Education 1833-1870?

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GCSE History Coursework

British Social an Economic History

What was the role of the government in developing Elementary Education 1833-1870? 

  1. Why did the government play little role in education before the nineteenth century?

Government played little role in education prior to the nineteenth century because of many reasons, one of them being Laissez faire. Laissez faire was the philosophy of the government that it was not their role to get involved in the lives of the people. Edward Baines wrote about the state of education in 1846 and said “it is not the duty of the government to feed the people… these are things that the people can and ought to do themselves” some thought this was the way God wanted things to be. Other felt that the fittest and richest could survive; the idea did nothing for the poor. One of the only things government was willing to get involved in was defending the country.

        Money was another motive why the government played little role. The government didn’t want to spend money on educating the poor, they would much rather spend their money on the royal stables and the military. On Samuel Whitbread’s Bill this topic was discussed “It would burden the country with a most enormous expense”. Not only did they not want to put money towards education but also it was going to be a very expensive project, which they thought could be done without. Samuel Whitbread argued that more education was needed and that raises money was the way forward when he stood up to the government, but the House of Lords rejected his Bill.  

        The Class system was another thing that was preventing the government from contributing money towards education. Everyone knew his or her place in society so for the poor to read write and be educated would make them more intelligent and mess up the ‘The Great Chain of Being’; this was another name for the social structure at the time. The chain of being was written about once by a Bishop in 1720 and he said “God so orders it that we always have some Poor among us” from this the ‘The great chain of being’ had come about.

        The Government simply didn’t see the need for change. There were already Sunday Schools and Dame Schools available for the poor, which were supplied by the church and individuals ‘As far as education was concerned, the government was content’ reading this its seems as if the government couldn’t be bothered to improve if there was nothing wrong with how things were currently going. This reminds me of the old saying ‘why fix it, if its not broken’.

         Revolutionary ideas were also something that was considered to be a threat if the poor were to be educated. If they were taught to read then they would be able to understand and read Anti-Christian books and stories about revolutions in other countries such as France. This was also discussed in the Debate on Samuel Whitbread’s Bill, “It would enable them to read vicious books, and publications against Christianity” religion was very strong at this time and to disrupt it could have lead to social unrest. Revolting against how they feel they stand in society would “make them insolent to their superiors” this was also talked about on Samuel Whitbread’s Bill.

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        Parents of poor children didn’t want their children to go to school and learn, because they wanted them to work and earn money. This was the traditional way of life for the poor people and most of them were keen to stick with it. They worked on farms and in mines. However if the parents were to look at the advantages of educating their children they would see that with an education they could get better jobs and earn more money. Even though it would have taken time it still would have been the more intelligent choice, but as they ...

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