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Son Of Man

This picture is by the seaside as you can see on the picture, this makes the person stand out of the picture because the sea is blue (blue wash). The sky is another light colour making the man stand out against the background even more.

The man is in black which is a sad colour, meaning there may have been a funeral or something sad has happened to this person. The also has a apple in front of his face which the artists has related to Adam and Eve were it is the lefts covering there body parts.

The man is stood up straight with his fest clenched together meaning he may be angry.

The picture is surreal because it has an apple in front of his face and very thing is to perfect the colours and the lines that the artist has used.

Song Of Love

This picture is by the sea side, the background is a blue sky with clouds and a ship that blends in with the sea by using the sea colours.

At the front of the picture there are to fish like creatures talking to each other,

They look like they are half human as well because they have human legs.

The title may mean that the two human fish are singing with one another.

The creatures have blended in with the rock they are sitting on making them not stand out that much, so it looks like the artist has tried too make them look like they have been sat there for a long time.

This picture is surreal because of the boat in the background blending with the sea and the creatures are not real creatures because of the way they are coloured.

The Blank Check

This picture is in a woodland habitat, the background is a blue colour but of leafs and bushes to make the horse stand out more.

The floor is all grass meaning it is spring or summer time because all the trees have there leafs on and there are no leafs on the ground.

The horse is in sections between the trees making it look as if it is behind and in front of the trees.

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The horses is walking very boldly though the trees and the artist has make the horse look like it is a racing horse but is going slow on the picture.

The woman is wearing a purple dress which means that she could be sad and unhappy with something that has happened.

The picture is in slicers that make it more surreal but the hole picture you can tell it is surreal by the bark on the trees and the grass all being the same colour.

Castle In The Pyrenees


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