The Subjective Frame- (personal and psychological experience).

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The Subjective Frame- (personal and psychological experience)

Through this frame art may be thought to be about and represent deeply felt experience, imagination, originality and creative expression. Artists may work strongly from their own experience, imaginings, feelings and psychological experience.


Pablo Picasso’s representation and symbolic work, predominantly (mostly) of those women with whom he was involved, clearly illustrates his feelings for them and also often demonstrates his mood during the stages in which they were painted.  

Pablo Picasso’s artwork “The Dream” 1932 is perhaps the best-known portrait of Picasso's mistress, Marie-Therese Walter. The significant of this work was the curve and almost every feature of the subject’s body is bordered by a curve. The representations of her torso, tilted head and clasped hands are evident in the image.

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The most stimulating (exciting) new approach in painting in the 1930’s was Surrealism, a celebration of the illogical workings of the unaware mind. Picasso utilized this stimulating approach in his work “The Dream” as a desired Surrealist theme.

The force is a profile and full-face view combined and the curves of the subject’s shoulders echo the curves at the back of the chair. The colour choices are brave but work well against the elegant tones of the skin.

Picasso’s "The Bathers" 1918 was painted during the summer of 1918 towards the end of the war when Picasso exposed ...

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