3. What methods should the hotel use to evaluate their current service in order to provide a better service to the customer?

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3. What methods should the hotel use to evaluate

   their current service in order to provide a better

   service to the customer?

It is quite difficult to measure the quality of a service, because the satisfaction of the customer depends on many intangible factors and psychological features.

The principal methods to evaluate services are: SERVQUAL, Gap Analysis, Tolerance zone and Walking Audits.

We are going to explain this methods and study if we could apply them to the hotel.


It is a multiple-item scale named SERVQUAL, which measures the five dimensions of service quality.9

The dimensions are:

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  • Reliability.
  • Responsiveness.
  • Assurance.
  • Empathy.
  • Tangibles.

This method consists of two sections, the initial section and the second section.

The first one is for collecting customer’s expectation for a class of services, and the second one collects the customer’s perceptions  for a particular service firm.

The service quality is calculated from the differences between the ratings that customers assign to paired expectation and perception statements.10

For the Lewis Partnership this method in our opinion is not adequate, because they need concrete information of the customers of the service they offer


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