Are the obstacles to development best overcome by a planned or a free market economy?

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Are the obstacles to development best overcome by a

planned or a free market economy?

        The idea of the free market system, believes that under development is a result of poor governments, whom are accused of adopting policies which are economically damaging, and suggests the free market system is the best option to stimulate growth. Simply put the free market theory states that scarce economic resources are best allocated by the forces of supply and demand.

        The free market system relies on certain conditions for it to work sufficiently well, it assumes that the conditions for perfect competition exist in all the markets of the economy. That is that there are many consumers and producers of the good or service, there is perfect knowledge of the goods and price sexist on the part of both consumers and producers, the goods produced in the market are all perfect substitutes, meaning the goods are homogeneous, and finally the producing firms all have identical cost structures.

        But during the twentieth century it has been seen that there has been many arguments for government intervention because the free market system wasn’t working well at overcoming economic problems. Such as the Great Depression in the 30’s. Previously governments intervened with the use of fiscal policy, how their use of taxes and government spending would raise or lower AD and affect growth.

        From the 70’s it was recognised that perfect competition does not exist, but the idea of supply and demand would affect efficiency, productive and allocative. This would lead to a stable and growing economy.

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        Free markets encourage productive and allocative efficiency because of the level of competition, and expensive, inefficient or poor producers will go out of business. International trade will enable a country to focus on one area of production, where they have a comparative advantage and export these goods, and import others which would be relatively cheaper than if the country attempted to produce them themselves. These could lead to a more out looking economy and enable a developing country to begin to compete with developed countries on price and quality of goods and services if they had a comparative advantage, and ...

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