Birmingham International Airport - Environmental Contraints

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Jay Shah        Page         Unit 1 -1D

Environmental Constraints

During the past decade or so, people have been made more aware of the effects of flying, basically what it does to the environment when you use your car, TV computers etc. As a result, the public have demanded, along with the government, that we rapidly cut down the emissions that are provided by the airports in a bid to save the Earth. The government introduced a new set of rules and regulations that every business has o abide by, and there are in place no only to help the businesses help the World, but to make sure that waste is not the irrelevantly dumped and ignored. As time goes on, the public are becoming more and more aware of the effects of Global Climate Change, and understand what will be of the planet over the next few decades. As a proof, over the last 5 years of so, recycling has increased dramatically, compared to what is has been, and there have been numerous protests about animal testing, which although a different matter, proves the fact that the public are indeed become more aware of the effects of the climate change and what they can do about it personally.

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Businesses are always trying to make it look like they are supporting the environment, and they will usually include references to something like, “we only use environmentally friendly fuel to power our businesses” to it places trust within them to the customers so they believe if they purchase their products from, in turn, they, in a small way, will be helping the environment. I will now explain how BIA deals will all of the environmental constraints.

AS you may expect, noise pollution is at the top of the list of environment haters. This is because of the thousands ...

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The report states 'a new set of rules and regulations', this should be replaced to 'a new set of laws and regulations'. This is due to that laws are in place which companies cannot break. Certain rules may be voluntarily and it's often best to only state the laws/regulations. The writing style is quite good, the student uses good use of English with little spelling/grammar errors. In addition, the report is spilt into manageable paragraphs which can be read with ease.

The student understands the effects that are caused by the airport. Such as the noise pollution and decreased house prices. The student explains and justifies the reason to why this occurs, which is required for high marks. In addition to the above, the student has stated how the airport resolves these issues by the use of a number of polices. The report goes further and states that not all issues can be resolved and sometime people may complain. The student understands that the business has implemented a number of communication systems to deal with any complains that the business may receive. The student has not only stated the potential issues, the student states the solutions that the business undertakes to resolve these issues which would gain the student high marks.

In summary, the report is quite good. The student understands the impact that the business is having of the environment, and states how the business is resolving these issues as best as the business can. However I would suggest ensuring that all sentences are correct and accurate, as some need altering ever so slightly. The student understands that consumer's often demand business to be environment friendly with their business operations. The student does recognise that businesses in turn, gains the customer's trust which is quite difficult. The ability to acknowledge this is quite good, and will show the examiner good understanding of how businesses operate.