Case Studies are the most effective research methodology when analyzing major corporate events.".. A case study is an examination of a specific phenomenon such as a

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Case Studies are the most effective research methodology when analyzing major corporate events.

“.. A case study is an examination of a specific phenomenon such as a program, an event, a person, a process, an institution or social group. The bounded system, or case, might be selected because is an instance of some concern, issue or hypothesis.” (Merriam, 1988)

Why the case studies are to be conducted?  - There are several reasons.

First of all, the main purpose of conducting the research is to answer “How” and “Why" questions. E.g.: Why this or that even takes place within the organization? How does it influence the corporate strategies or future trends?

Answering such questions is the way to identify, analyze and summarize the major causes and effects of an event and to explain linkages between causes and effects (Yin, 1993). Besides that, in order to determine appropriate research questions, or concern we completely describe a phenomenon in its own context and explore a question, program, issue.

According to Feagin, Orum, and Sjoberg (1991) Case Study is an ideal methodology when a holistic, in-depth investigation is needed. Case studies have been used in varied investigations. Yin, Stake, and others who have wide experience in this methodology have developed robust procedures. When these procedures are followed, the researcher will be following methods as well developed and tested as any in the scientific field. Whether the study is experimental or quasi-experimental, the data collection and analysis methods are known to hide some details (Stake, 1995). Case studies, on the other hand, are designed to bring out the details from the viewpoint of the participants by using multiple sources of data.

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Yin (1993) has identified some specific types of case studies: Exploratory, Explanatory, and Descriptive. Exploratory cases are sometimes considered as a prelude to social research. Explanatory case studies may be used for doing causal investigations. Descriptive cases require a descriptive theory to be developed before starting the project. Pyecha (1988) used this methodology in a special education study, using a pattern-matching procedure. In all of the above types of case studies, there can be single-case or multiple-case applications.

Case study research is not sampling research; that is a fact asserted by all the major researchers in the field, including ...

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