Customer service in MacDonalds.

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What is customer service?

Customer service is primarily about how McDonalds stays ahead of its competitors by offering its customers something more then its competitors do. Customer service is also about how McDonalds looks after its customers.

Who are customers?

McDonalds customers can be categorised into distinctive groups and they are:



How the employees at McDonalds provide good customer service

All the members of staff that work at McDonalds have to have good customer service skills so that they can provide the customers with good/effective customer service. The skills needed to provide a good/effective customer service are:

  • Good communication skills

  • Be dressed smartly and tidily when working

  • Be understanding

  • Friendly

  • Good listening skills

  • Have good knowledge about products

Good communication skills

The members of staff at McDonalds need to have good communication skills so that they communicate with the customers effectively. The members of need to be able to speak clearly so that customers would understand what they are saying and no confusions are caused.

Be dressed smartly and tidily when working

All the members of staff at McDonalds need to be dressed in a tidy and smart way so that they look represent able. McDonalds workers have uniforms, which help customers to recognise the staff members.

Be understanding

If a customer went to a member of staff with a problem or question the member of staff needs to understand and try and solve their problem/answer their question.

Be friendly

The members of staff at McDonalds need to be friendly so that customers feel welcome at McDonalds; it helps to set a positive atmosphere amongst the customers and members of staff. If the staff members were not friendly then the customer service of McDonalds would be affected in a negative way.

Good listening skills

Members of staff need to be able to listen to the customer so that they can serve them with the correct food and try to solve their problems if they have any. Customers like to be listened to, if a member of staff didn’t listen to the customer then they would be very happy with the customer service that McDonalds provides and even choose to eat at McDonalds competitors.

Having good product knowledge

Customers may have questions about certain products, in case they have allergies or may not be able to the food product for whatever reason. If the members of staff cant answer the customers question about products then the customer may not be able to trust McDonalds as customers expect members of staff to have product knowledge.

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Below is a spider diagram to show what skills the members of staff need to provide a good or effective customer service.


When I carried out my questionnaire I found out that 19 out of 20 people were happy with the customer service that McDonalds provided for them

Below is a graph that shows this:


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