Deming referred to the old African saying "it takes the whole village to raise a child". In this paper we try to understand and interpret it through few core concepts of Quality and Total Quality Management.

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Executive Summary

Deming referred to the old African saying "it takes the whole village to raise a child". In this paper we try to understand and interpret it through few core concepts of Quality and Total Quality Management introduced by quality gurus like Deming, Crosby, Juran and Gravin. This paper focuses on the quality journey of Eastman Chemical and presents an analysis of quality based strategies applied in Eastman chemical. This paper also evaluates the activities that indicate Eastman chemicals as a learning organization. The analysis indicated that Eastman Chemical thus entail high degree of TQM practices and is thus considered to be the best by its customers, employees and suppliers.


Quality assurance has been a significant aspect throughout history. Since the Egyptian era till date quality concepts paved the way for development of quality management to Total Quality management.

Thus it is important to understand what is Quality?

Quality is a wide concept and can be viewed from different perceptive or criteria. As cited in Forker, L., Gravin, D.A., (1993) classified different viewpoints into five quality approaches. These are summarized in Table-I


Definition variables

Underlying discipline


Product Based

User Based

Manufacturing Based

Value Based

Innate excellence

Quantity of desired attributes

Satisfaction of consumer preference

Conformance of requirement

Affordable excellence



Economic, marketing and operation management

Operation management

Operation management

Table- I

Approach to defining quality

Source: Gravin, D.A cited in Forker, L.B, (1996).

There has been a revolution with respect to quality planning and quality management particularly in business and industry in the last two decades. As Evans, J & Lindsay W., (1998) state that quality issues permeate all aspect of business enterprise, design, marketing, manufacturing, human resource management, supplier relation and financial management to name a few. How could quality be assured in performance of every aspect of the business? The answer is Total Quality Management or TQM

So what is Total Quality Management or TQM?

As stated by Bhatti, M., Kumar, K. & Schofield, M., (1998) TQM refers to philosophies in quality planning and management. The world "Total" refers to the entire organization focusing its efforts to the major issues affecting its final result.

Total quality management is described (Terziovski, M., Sohal, A.S., Samson, D., 1996), "As a comprehensive set of processes which engage all people in a company on process improvements. TQM requires organizations to design their services and products with knowledge of their customer requirements".

Quality guru and expert W. Edward Deming introduced and preached his "14-points" (see Appendix-I) for Total Quality Management, which can be apprehended as the basic philosophy on which any TQM effort must rest. However, as he continued to learn he summarized the 14-Points in what he called "The System of Profound Knowledge" which consisted of four interrelated parts: as cited in Evans, J & Lindsay W., (1998).

. Appreciation for a system: involves understanding how each component of the system works to produce the end product or service, and understanding how the system may be optimized for better and smoother performance.
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2. Understanding of variation: helps us to understand the common or special causes of change or variation in a system, which may be for better or worse.

3. Theory of knowledge: involves understanding cause and effect relationship that can be used for future prediction and understanding the system for current and possible variation within, suggest possible outcomes of future course of action within the system.

4. Psychology: helps us to understand people, interaction between people and circumstances, what motivates people (intrinsically and extrinsically) and helps us to understand that human resource of the organization can ...

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