Describe the functions of managers

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AS Levels:~ Business Studies

Unit 2: Business and Management

Task 1

Describe the functions of managers

Good management and leadership are critical for organisations to function and also for the organisations to thrive. When organisations are well managed just like Barclay, they can operate effectively and they can operate efficiently. Managers have very good and clear plans, mangers have organised structures, systems, and they also evaluate results. When organisations are well led, they adapt to changes in the environment and develop cultures that inspire commitment and innovation. Both good management and good leadership are necessary to sustain organisational performance.

Mangers are responsible for getting work done usually through other people; the term manger may also refer to a number of different people within a business. Some job titles include the word manager, such as a personal manger or managing director. Other jobholders may also be mangers even through there titles do not say it.

  • Mangers act on behalf of the owners – in a company, senior management are accountable shareholders
  • Mangers set objectives for the organisation, for example, they may decide that a long-term objective is to have a greater market share than all of the company’s competitors.
  • Managers make sure that a business achieves its objectives, by managing others.
  • Managers ensure that cooperate values which means the value of the organisation are maintained in dealings with other business, customers, employees and general public.
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When an organisation is managed well mangers effectively perform four essential management functions Henry Fayol the French management theorist listed a number of functions or elements of management these are:

  • Planning
  • Organising
  • Commanding
  • Coordinating
  • Controlling


This involves mangers setting objectives and also the strategies, policies, programmes and procedures for achieving them. Planning might be done by line mangers who will be responsible for performance. However advice on planning may also come from staff management who might have expertise in that are even if they have no line authority. For example, a ...

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