Economic Theory Driving the Current House Price Fluctuations in Hull

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N.Whiteley 0300900

Economic Theory Driving the Current House Price Fluctuations in Hull

By N.Whiteley

The author conducted an investigation on the fluctuating house prices of Hull from the period 2000 – 03.


The report highlights why house prices in Hull have fluctuated during this period, the principal areas being economic business cycles, microeconomics, inelasticity of the housing market, mortgage and interest rates, inflation and the ‘buy-to-let’ phenomenon.


It was identified that demand for housing is affected by economics, aspirations, and demographic changes in addition, consumer choices, such as cost, location, proximity to local amenities, employment, schools, size and type.

The economy tends to move in a series of ups and downs, these vicissitudes are known as business cycles. Of course, markets are complex things and the housing market is one of the most complex. One major inelasticity is that individual people do not simply want a home somewhere in England; they want one at or near a specific location such as their work, or their family.

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The determination of prices in local and regional housing markets is a classic example of microeconomics in action. We are seeing the interaction between buyer and seller with prices being offered and agreed before a final transaction is made. Each transaction depends on-

  • The price that the seller is willing to agree for their property with the prospective buyer
  • The actual price that the buyer is willing and able to pay.

Buyers place offers for a property that the seller can either accept or reject, the greater the demand, the higher prices rise.


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