Evaluate the suggestion that there is no ideal management style

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            Evaluate the suggestion that there is no ideal management style

      Management Style can be defined as the style adopted to control or lead a business efficiently for the attainment of objectives set by the business. Effective management style helps in maintaining the motivation of the employees and thus enhances productivity. In the essay I will examine the different management styles which are autocratic, democratic and laissez – faire and their effectiveness in various situations.

 An autocratic management style can be defined as a style where the leader takes all the decisions on his own and workers are told what to do and are closely controlled. The leader does not consult his subordinates or takes their opinion in consideration for decision -making. He dominates and controls the entire task. Thus, according to Feidlers Contigency Model, a manager who possesses these characteristics would be task oriented. The second factor of his model – situational favourableness would apply depending on the nature of tasks. When the tasks involve high risks and the circumstances demand quick and stringent decision making, autocratic management proves to be the most effective. On the same lines, Blake and Moulton’s Managerial Grid Model also suggests that the authoritarian or autocratic style is the most effective in instances of crisis management. However, autocratic style in most instances causes demotivation as it implies the skills and ideas of others being ignored i.e., the self-actualisation needs of the workers are not satisfied. Moreover, it can also lead to the alienation of the staff. Nevertheless, with theory X type of workers – who lack in skills and are unable to make their own decisions this style is the most effective and productive. This idea is supported by Likert in his management systems where he believes that the exploitative- authoritative management system is essential for theory X type of workers.

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  In a democratic management style manager allows the workers to play a full part in decision making. Thus compared to autocratic, a democratic style encourages suggestions and discussion of problems. This helps the workers to share their ideas and opinions. This in turn aids in training the workers and to develop their skills. Thus, the democratic style connects to the team style of Blake and Moulton’s Grid Model as it encourages teamwork and commitment among employees. It therefore proves a great motivating factor in business. A workers self-actualisation needs are satisfied as his achievements are recognized and he ...

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