"Explain how contemporary changes in the technological, economic and socio-cultural environment of management are affecting the conduct of management"

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“Explain how contemporary changes in the technological, economic and socio-cultural environment of management are affecting the conduct of management”

The affects of contemporary changes in the technological, economic and the socio-cultural environment has been very vast and has greatly restructured the managerial process of planning, organizing, leading and control. By simply having a look around us and evaluating the twenty first century to the past decade, we can truly notice the substantial changes in technologic, economic and the socio-cultural environment of management. These changes have beyond doubt affected the ways in which managers of the twenty first century could and would plan, organise, lead and control to the managers of the past decade. There are always two sides to a coin; likewise there are several advantages and disadvantages of these contemporary changes to management. The major technological advancement evident has been immense usage of Information Technology in organisations. The innovation of the Internet and the World Wide Web has been the one of the key driving force to several major changes to the conduct of management. Economical changes in the past decade have been significantly substantial. With many organisations going global, managers need to gain global knowledge and experience in accordance with the countries in which the organisation decides to venture in. This would subsequently have great affects on the conduct of management. The socio-cultural environment has undergone colossal changes in the past decade. The major changes were the creation of diversity, in particular with more women joining the workforce and the diversification of ethnic races in the workforce. This has subsequently shown the way to major changes to the practices and conduct of management. All these contemporary changes to management have brought numerous transformations to the conduct of management. This essay would seek to elaborate on these changes and their diverse affects to the conduct of management.

The mammoth advancement in the area of technologic has been tremendous and extremely rapid. Vast advancement has been done, in the past decade, to technologic, which has resulted in many wonderful inventions and innovations. The Internet, which was actually created in 1969, was hardly utilized for any organisation activities other then those for scientist and researches. It was only apparent in the last decade that organisation started to take the Internet as an organisational means of work and communication. (Schneider and Perry, 2000:13-15). The Internet, together with organisation’s intranets and extranets, has greatly restructured the manner in which organisations communicate and do business. The emergence of the phenomenon of the “business-to-business” and “business-to-consumer” commerce on the Internet has greatly affected many managerial processes and practices (Strauss and Frost, 2001:198). Management would be required to rapidly adjust their managerial process in accordance with these changes. Through this networks came the innovations of communication medias, like the virtual private networks, digital transmission, electronic mails and lots more. Using these technologies organisation could literally become a “virtual corporation” (Casey, 1999:20). With the usage of these communication media, managers could easily establish organizing, leading and controlling functions without even having to move from their seat. However “information technologies can displace interpersonal contacts” and subsequently this might lead to a lack of motivation and anxiety among workers. (Stair and Reynolds, 2001:38).

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One other major technologically innovation was the introduction of information systems into organisation “which helped managers monitor and control business processes and operations” (Stair and Reynolds, 2001:38). Information systems, like the management information systems, customer relationship management, electronic data interchange, enterprise resource planning systems and transaction processing systems, have been developed to give managers better understanding required of the organisation developments and their goal attainments (Stair and Reynolds, 2001:20-23; Strauss and Frost, 2001:285-287). Managerial process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling can and are greatly enhanced by these information systems.

The introduction of production and information systems ...

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