HBS Case Study - Priceline.com

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Business model

In this unique model known as “demand collection system” the orders placed by the customers are fulfilled by the participating sellers. So the company essentially acts as a facilitator/agent intermediating payments between both the parties and provides the platform for bringing together of both the parties.

Key features

  1. Services offered: Air lines, Hotels, Rental Cars etc
  2. Transactions were secured through credit card
  3. The company is the “Merchant of Record” in these transactions. This means that all payments are made to the Company which in turn pays to the seller. Any charge back that happens on the account of credit card payments has to be paid by company.
  4. The orders in the system once placed remained opened for some time and once accepted these could not be cancelled.
  5. The system required flexibility from customer’s end with respect to their choice of brand, product features and sellers.
  6. Benefit o the customers: economical transactions
  7. Benefit to the sellers: incremental source of revenue
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Answer 1

 The extracts of the annual report of the company indicates that the company recognizes the offer price paid by customers as revenue and the cost of services ordered as product cost.

Price of the Plane ticket = $250         

 Amount of commission= 20% of the ticket price = $50         

Therefore, Cost of ticket for the company = $250 - $50 = $200                                        

So the accounting entry passed by the company to record the transaction would be:

1) Purchase (Plane ticket) A/c .......Dr.                    $200        


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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

The report doesn't contain a screenshot of the website PriceLine.com, and this would enable the examiner to visualize the report. In addition the layout of the report is quite messy and unclear. The report should be laid out using a number of different sub-headings and a number of small meaningful paragraphs. The report states the term 'demand collection system', however this ins't explained within the report. All technical terms should be explained to allow the examiner to understand.

The four different answers, hasn't stated how there have come to the answer. It would be useful to explain a little more, to explain to the examiner how the student has come to that answer, and explains why the business would implement such a decision.

In summary, the report is OK. The report states the business model, which is quite confusing and further explains a number of features. However as a whole the report is vague and very difficult to understand. The student would need to give clear reasons to show the examiner the student's thinking behind the report. The report states the business model, however this doesn't really make any sense. It's quite vague and difficult to understand the student. This should be re-written, as currently it's not to an acceptable level. This is similar to the next section of 'features', as this isn't explained well and this is too vague. The report could state 'The business provides price comparison on a number of different services such as Air Lines, Hotels and Rental Cars. All of the above are linked to when a consumer is looking for a holiday. Thus, the target market is clearly the holiday market'.