Health and safety at work analysis

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Health and safety at work play a critical part in law since it Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA)1974 comes into force. But many employers still put employees’ health and safety subordinated to profits. It causes huge loss not only for the employees but also for the company.

Therefore, this report begins with the key requirements of HASAWA, and then further discuss the problems exist in the JJK company, with effective strategies are brought forward to help company get ride of hot water.

This report concludes by why a positive health and safety culture in the company is so important to organizational effectiveness.  

Key requirements under the Health & Safety at Work Act, 1974

Under the 1974 Act, both employers and employees have duties, the employer does have the bigger share of responsibilities as its his/her job to make sure the environment they have provided for employees is satisfactory and safe for people to actually work. The main points of the health and safety act are below.

The act protects:

  • employees health, safety and welfare
  • the public from accidents caused by people at work
  • the regulations associated with buying, storing and using dangerous substances
  • the regulation of dangerous gases into the atmosphere

Employers must:

  • ensure that equipment is safe to use
  • ensure that produce and equipment is safe, when using, storing and transporting
  • prepare information, instructions and training and inspection for the workers
  • provide a safe working environment with good access
  • workers and visitors should not come to any harm

Safe plant and system of work with decent working equipment

For employees to work well means they must have the right equipment to do a job, its not just vital that workers are given the right equipment but its also just as important that the equipment is working and safe to use, for example you can not give the employee a wheel barrow to use that has a flat wheel because this would put much more stress on the workers body and is far more likely that it will result in injury.

Safe and healthy premises with adequate amenities access and exits

All buildings owned by any company must have enough access and entrances in case people need to get in and out quickly in case of an emergency, for example if a fire broke out in front of the main entrance there must be other exits for workers and customers to be able to leave the premises safely, if you were to only have one entrance/exit and there is a fire then chances of all the people getting out of the premises safely are reduced, its also important for all exits to be clear at all times so they can be accessed easily.

Safe methods for handling and transporting material

During normal working hours it’s very likely that workers will be moving equipment and materials around the premises and they must be able to do so in the right manor, for example it would be unwise for an employee to be carrying a 50 kg box of equipment around the whole department as this could lead to injury and some people are just not capable of doing such heavy work.  It’s also not wise if there are heavy vehicles such as forklifts driving around shop floors as some ones likely to get run over!! There must be procedures to transport certain types of goods in certain ways, for instance the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations Act 1988 provides strict guidelines on transporting materials that are hazardous to health.

Adequate instructions and training for employees and adequate supervision

Supervisors are there to help workers with any problems they may have and set tasks for them to do so they know what they are doing and what to do next, if workers have no guidance of supervisors then its likely that they may carry out tasks incorrectly or without using the correct safety procedures.  All employers must provide staff information regarding the health and safety procedures and the health and safety act, this is to make sure that everyone knows what they should do in case situations arise.  I work at Makro and on my first day of work I was given the health and safety tour of the store and all the procedures written down on paper, all new workers must know what to do in case of an emergency so it is imperative they are given this information.

Adequate welfare facilities

It is also the employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees are provided with adequate welfare. This means that employers need to ensure that all employers are provided/have access to the following;

  • Adequate toilet and washing facilities. This means enough for all employees as they should not have to queue. This also means that toilets for females and males should be separate.
  • Well lit, ventilated and Clean facilities
  • Access to free drinking water which is accessible for all employees.
  • Adequate facilities for staff if they need to change at work into their uniforms and somewhere safe for them to keep their belongings.
  • Adequate rest rooms for staff to have their breaks.

It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all employees have access to these facilities.  

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According to the Health and Safety act of 1974 all these procedures must be maintain by the employer and the employees. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure that the employees are in no danger while at work and at no risk of injury.  The main reason for employers to ensure that they follow the practices of health and safety are that it can cost them a lot of money. This money is in terms of lost working days due to occupational ill health and compensation of injury caused at work. Employers must also ensure that ...

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