How do different economic systems ration scarce resources? To what extent it is desirable that the government should provide merit goods and public goods?

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How do different economic systems ration scarce resources?

To what extent it is desirable that the government should provide merit goods and public goods?

Scarcity, defined as the excess of human wants over what can actually be produced, is the basic economic problem that governments have to face. Nevertheless the different economic systems : Market, planned, and mixed economies, are different  ways of  solving this problem in a country .

Human wants are unlimited. Yet the means of fulfilling human wants are limited. At one time the world can only produce a limited amount of goods and services. This is because the world only has a limited amount of resources, these can be human,(labour), natural (land and raw materials) and manufactured resources or capital.

This basic economic problem had forced society to make a choice on what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce.  This choice involves the concept of opportunity cost, defined as the cost of any activity measured in terms of the next best alternative foregone. For example, if the workers on a farm can produce either 1000 tonnes of wheat or 2000 tonnes of barley, then the opportunity cost of producing one tonne of wheat is the two tonnes of barley foregone.

In order to  ration scarce resources an analysis on a production possibility curve is done. This shows all possible combinations of all goods and services which a country could produce within a specified time period with all its resources fully and efficiently employed. It assumes that the state of technology is given. It illustrates the concept of opportunity cost and choice. To produce more of one involves producing less of the other. It also illustrates the phenomenon of increasing opportunity costs. The reason for this is that different factors of production have different properties. People have different skills and differs in different parts of the country. Thus as the nation concentrates more and more on the production of one good, it has to start using resources that are less and less suitable.  

For example, these are the maximum possible combinations of food and clothing that can be produced in a given period of time.

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Here any combination along the resources are being used efficiently.  The production of more and more clothing will involve growing marginal cost: ever increasing amounts of food have to be sacrificed for each additional unit of clothing produced. So governments would analyse and determine what is the best to produce to satisfy the habitants.

All systems have this scheme on solving the economic problem, however, in a Market system economy, in order to ration scarce resources the price mechanism operates to deal with. In this system the government takes no effective economic decisions in resource allocation. Rational ...

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