In order to effectively analyse Luxury Boats Ltd. and the framework of macro-environmental factors affecting the business, two analytical tools will be used; the PEST Analysis and the SWOT Analysis.

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  • Introduction

  • PEST Analysis
  1. Political
  2. Economic
  3. Social
  4. Technological

  • SWOT Analysis
  1. Strengths
  2. Weaknesses
  3. Opportunities
  4. Threats

  • Conclusion and Recommendations

  • References

Marc Menendez 05260233


In order to effectively analyse Luxury Boats Ltd. and the framework of              macro-environmental factors affecting the business, two analytical tools will be used; the PEST Analysis and the SWOT Analysis.

The PEST Analysis will look at external factors affecting the business as well as giving an overview of the various macro-environmental influences that Luxury Boats Ltd. should take into account. The political circumstances that will be examined include tariffs and political stability. Economic factors will analyse general economic growth together with changes in exchange rates, inflation rate and interest rates, tax policy, trade restrictions, and employment laws. In the social factors section an examination of cultural conditions and social changes will be undertaken. Technological aspects looks at the rate of technological change.

The first step in the SWOT analysis will be to identify the purpose or objectives of the analysis. The objectives of this SWOT analysis are to pin-point specific issues which affect or could affect Luxury Boats Ltd , determine how the company can counteract any problems, identify ways in which the business can increase profits and to provide for a logical conclusion to the general situation. The Strengths section will be concerned with Luxury Boats Ltd’s positive characteristics, which will aid it in achieving the objectives mentioned above. Weaknesses will engage the negative areas of the business, which will hinder the general aims. The Opportunities section will concentrate on external factors that may assist and positively influence the attainability of the company goals. Under Threats, the external factors that may cause harm to Luxury Boats Ltd will be examined. The key questions which need answering are; how can the company use each Strength, stop each Weakness, exploit each Opportunity and defend against each Threat?

Marc Menendez 05260233

PEST Analysis

  1. Political

  • A Socialist government will assist for the economic advancement of the poorer sections of society at the expense of the wealthier groups.

  1. Economic

  • Elections of 2002 return socialist government intent on economic policies designed to assist the poorer citizens at the expense of the wealthy.

  • Income tax for those earning more than £75,000 per year is increased from 40% to 50% at the top payment band.

  • Annual increases in PSBR from £250 million to £375 million between 2002 and 2004 support rumours that VAT for Luxury goods will be increased to 25%, as the government is in need of extra funds if it wishes to  decrease its debt.  

  • The introduction of VAT on property causes house prices to become static and in some cases fall.

  • Government keeps interest rates higher than previous years, in order to correct inflation.

  • Bank of England warns commercial banks about business lending, threatening to make it impossible for banks to write off against their profits bad loans made to business organisations, unless rigid policy is maintained. This is likely to result in more firms declaring themselves insolvent.

  • The exchange rate of the pound sterling weakens against other currencies, especially against the Euro.

  • Every luxury vessel manufacturer in the UK is experiencing problems. One company has declared itself insolvent, and several others have defaulted on payments to their suppliers. This is a sign of serious cash flow problems.

  • Orders for Luxury Boats Ltd are increasingly for cheaper boats.
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Marc Menendez 05260233

  1. Social

  • Luxury Boats Ltds’ products are perceived as a high status symbol which reflect the advanced social and economic position of the owner.

  • Rising unemployment.

  • Workers in rival organisations enquire about employment with Luxury Boats Ltd. This is not only sign of troubled competitors, but can also be interpreted as an indication that unemployment will continue to rise, as workers fear for their jobs.

  • Consumer attitude and buying patterns regarding luxury goods in general is likely to change as a result of ...

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