Is the Welfare State Desirable?

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William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” was first performed in the year 1606 it is a play which was set in Scotland, 1040 and it is one of the four great Shakespeare tragedies .The first main plot within the play is the assassination of Duncan, at the time the King of Scotland. It is Macbeth who physically had murdered him, however, it is conveyed the murder of Duncan was solely the responsibility of Lady Macbeth, his wife. It is definite to say that Lady Macbeth was a great and dominating factor, which led to the assassination but to say that it was solely her responsibility, would be incorrect. There were several other factors that led to Duncan’s murder. Even though without the contribution of Lady Macbeth, the murder may have never taken place, her influence alone would not have resulted to the death of Duncan.

One of the major factors, which led to the murder of Duncan, was the pure drive and ambition shown from Macbeth; at heart he was a loyal man, he was patriotic and was an honourable man. However, was eventually drowned by his weakness, his ambition to become powerful. It was always clear that Macbeth had great ambition: “Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires”; indicating he always had dark desires, which can be seen as his desire to become King. These desires fundamentally led to both his and Duncan’s downfall. It is also very evident that his ambitions would lead him to do awful crimes and acts of terror which he would never contemplate before. “The Prince of Cumberland a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap” clearly shows how his ambition had taken control of him and how far he was willing to kill and murder The Prince of Cumberland as before he says “whose murder is yet fantastical”, indicating no intentions of murder. Furthermore, it is clear that his ambition had led him to believe in greater things for himself; after being named the Thane of Cawdor, he was foreseeing greater things, “Glamis and the Thane of Cawdor. The Greatest is behind”, thus, his ambition now increases and his desires strengthens for more power: to become the King. Once he has acclaimed a slight amount of power, he is looking to the future to bring him even more, this, a result of his ambition that would ultimately lead to the assassination of Duncan.

In addition to his ambition, Macbeth also had another feature that had enabled him to become manipulated and twisted into killing Duncan. Another weakness that Macbeth held was his good nature; his good values allowed him to become easily manipulated. This inevitably meant he was susceptible to manipulation from Lady Macbeth “If chance will have me King then chance will crown me without my stir”, this illustrates how he was able to be persuaded into killing Duncan, if he was willing for chance to follow out whatever it brought to him, it would become very easy for anybody, in particular, Lady Macbeth, to set up his future. Additionally, it is also shown how his good nature and his good values could easily be used against him, as he would find it difficult to know and establish when people were working against his good values. “Against the use of Nature” (1:3:27) when Macbeth says this it gives the audience a clear idea that he would not be willing to do anything bad or any acts of crime, however, this would also give the idea to Lady Macbeth, that even though he may not be willing and wanting to do anything against nature, that if she were implement the idea, Macbeth will feel that he has not done anything wrong; resultantly he will be able to claim the final prize. If Macbeth did not have these powerful feelings and such great values of good nature, he would have been less susceptible to manipulation, as this would not blind him.

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Moreover, one of the most important features of the play and one of the greatest reasons as to why Macbeth had killed Duncan was the witches. The witches were able to plant the initial seeds into Macbeth’s mind that he was to become King and prophesized about Macbeth having substantial involvement concerning the throne, “All hail who shalt be King hereafter” thus igniting his ambition to greater things: consequently he begins to conspire for the throne. The sentence puts curiosity into his mind from the outset; after this Macbeth had started to contemplate that he would in fact become King, ...

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