Job roles in ASDA.

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Umar Asif        Unit 4 People in organisations(P1) Describe the main job roles and functions in an organisation In this task I need to create a table, in the table i need to show the different job roles and what their functions are within the business. The business that i am going to link my table to will be ASDA. Job RolesResponsibilitiesDirectorsThe responsibilites of the directors is looking after shareholders’ intrests.
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The director of ASDA has the responsibility for ensuring the success of ASDA in such areas like health and safety, employment law, for example is ASDA complying with the minimum wage act. A director needs to avoid conflics of intrest. ManagersThe responsibitlies of a manager is to motivate staff, setting targets and recuting and dismissing staff, allocating work, communicating planning and desicion making, problem solving. A manager in  ASDA will supervise and manage the overall performance of the staff in the whole department, they also report recommendations and develop stratigies on how to improve to improve on the quality of ...

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The style of writing is poor. The student states 'i', which should be 'I'. In addition, the student only uses very basic English, and there is no attempt to use any technical terms within the report. For example the report could use 'BOD's', which stands for 'Board Of Directors', instead of the term 'Directors' which is quite basic.

The section 'Mangers' doesn't state that each manger will have their own store. Each manger will be responsible for their own store and if the store under performs the business may consider closing this. It's important that the store performs, and this is the mangers duty to ensure that it's on track to meet their financial target. The report states the different levels of employees within the business. However what may be useful is accessing how much each employee is paid and the difference between low skilled job roles, middle senior employees and the BOD's. This would acquire the student high marks, as this is assessing different levels within the business.

In summary, the report is quite basic. The report states a number of job roles within the business, and describes a little regrading each one. However some job roles are not within the table. In addition, the student doesn't state their incomes, or asses the difference between low skilled job roles and the higher skilled job roles within the business. The student understands the link between shareholders and the directors of the business, which is good. However the student hasn't explained the different job roles that directors can undertake. For example, the report could include 'An IT director would have to ensure that all technology within the business is up-to-date and ensures that there are using all computer systems as efficiently as possible'.