Looking at employee procedures

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        The first thing that I have to do in this assignment is to describe the features of a typical contract of employment and then analyse it with my own contract of employment for WH Smiths and say what the differences are between the two. In the second part of this assignment I have to design and make a leaflet for Konrho explaining the responsibilities of the employer including the procedures available to them in upholding there rights. I also have to do the same for the employee. In part three of the assignment I have to describe the disciplinary and grievance procedures available to employers and employees and then put this information into a leaflet as-well. In the fourth part of the assignment I have to compile a report on WH Smith which will include a survey into the health and safety regulations and non-discriminatory legislation in two different work environments. Also I have to describe in-depth the procedures available to employers and employees when health and safety or the non-discriminatory legislation’s have been contravened. In the last part of the assignment I have to explain the roles of trade unions and staff associations. The last thing to do is provide recommendations for Konrho in terms of the best practices to gain employee co-operation in there UK subsidiary.

        As part of this assignment I am going to have to go to WH Smith and conduct a survey on health and safety, get there health and safety policy and there non-discriminatory policy as-well. I will have to use a library to get the information on trade unions. I will also have to learn how to use DTP to produce my leaflets on Konrho.

        To finish the assignment I will have to write an evaluation which will include a summary of the work that I have don and any useful things that I have done or achieved, it will also state any problems that I may encounter during the assignment.

The main features of a typical

Contract of Employment

A typical contract of employment will include various things to do with pay; holiday and your job role, in the following sentences are explanations to what should be on a typical contract of employment. The first thing that should be on a typical contract of employment should be your job role and your job title, these should give you details of what the precise nature of your job is and its exact title. Also included in your contract should be details relating to pay stating if you get paid weakly or monthly. The conditions of overtime and the rates that you get paid for overtime should be included; it should also include any bonuses you may earn or commission that you may get for your job. You regular working periods should be included in a typical contract. There should be information about your normal starting and finishing times and what days that you work, it will also say how many hours you have to work in a week before you are entitled to overtime rates. Your holiday allowance will also be written on a typical contract, which says how many weeks that you are allowed off during the year that you get paid for (normally 4 working weeks). The conditions surrounding sick pay and sick leave should be on a typical contract; also details of maternity leave and paternity leave (normally 5 days paid leave) should be included on the contract. A typical contract should also include the details for adoption leave, which is normally 6 weeks every 5 years. The last few things that a typical contract should have on it is as follows. The pension scheme that the company offers should be on the contract, which states how much of your wages will be contributed to the scheme. The grievance procedure should be on the contract with details as to who is the grievance officer. It should include the period of notification that is required to be given for termination of the contract on either the employers part or the employees part, it will say how many weeks/months are required for termination.

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Comparison between my contracts and a typical contract

        My contract of employment contains the following; - it has my job role and title, which is a customer, service assistant this is also my job title. My role as a customer service assistant is to help any customers with any questions and to serve on the till. I am paid monthly and it is paid straight into my bank account, the rate of pay is hourly and extra hours can be worked if required on either the employers/employees part. Since I only work part time I am ...

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