Market research is usually done to investigate products already on the market.In order to carry out the market research investigation, it was necessary for me to check the market

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                MARKET RESEARCH

Market research is usually done to investigate products already on the market.

In order to carry out the market research investigation, it was necessary for me to check the market for existing lacto vegetarian products. This was important since I needed to use some of these products to develop my initial ideas.

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I compared Lacto Vegetarian products from three supermarkets, so that I could assess the prices and quality of there products. The supermarkets I checked were Sainsury, Tesco and Asda .I found that the prices for various lacto vegetarians products at these supermarkets varied. Many items at Asda and Tesco were much cheaper than at Sainsbury.

In addition, based on information I obtained from questionnaires completed by lacto vegetarians, I found out that most people are willing to pay between £3-£6 for main course vegetarian meals.

Moreover, I realised that most lacto vegetarians prefer pasta dishes instead of ...

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