Motivation of subordinates is an important aspect of a managers job. 1. What do you think motivates a person to work well? 2. What steps can a manager take to motivate his subordinates?

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Motivation of subordinates is an important aspect of a manager's job.

. What do you think motivates a person to work well?

2. What steps can a manager take to motivate his subordinates?

The job of managers is to make sure that work is done by their employees. To do this, he might be able to motivate employees.

Why do we need motivated employees? Motivated employees help organizations survive. Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. Of all the functions a manager performs, motivating employees is arguably the most complex.

In Ukraine we've got an old saying: you can take horse to the water, but you can't make it drink - horse will do it only if it wants. I think it is the same with people. They will only do the thinks they want, or motivated to. But what will motivate employees to do their job well? What do they want?

According to Maslow, human wants to satisfy 5 basic levels of needs:

* Physiological needs - food, water, sleep, heat, sex etc. (lowest level)

* Safety needs - protection, security, stability.

* Love needs - family, friendship, affection, work and status in group.

* Esteem needs - achievement, self-respect, reputation.

* Self-actualisation needs - personal growth and fulfilment. (highest level)

Maslow suggested that most people are motivated by a desire to satisfy specific groups of needs. And until a particular group is satisfied, behaviour will be dominated by them. People satisfy their needs systematically - starting at the bottom and moving up the hierarchy.
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However, some people motivated by self-actualisation, even when some basic needs not satisfied. For actors and artists, for example, self-actualisation much more important then friendship or family. Nurses are much more interested in self-fulfilment, then in basic sleep.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs received a lot of criticism, however, his model is very important - it is not perfect; it's just a useful framework, which helps us to understand some basics.

But Maslow wasn't the only one who thought about improving motivation. Herzberg provided us with two-factor theory. This theory is based on interview analysis ...

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