My aims and objectives are to have a good sturdy first year and at least make 20% profit in my first 6 months. Also one of my aims to get alot of good feedback from customers about my advertising campaign, so Iknow that I has been worth while campaign...

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I am a GCSE student studying business studies it at Chatham House Grammar school. The task that I have been set by the exam board is to either find a gap in the trade market or launch a knew product. In the whole area of Thanet there is only a few shops that stock American sports goods and I think that this area of the market could be exploited.

The way I have researched this shop is through the Internet using researching the other competitors around Thanet.  

  Where the circle is where the business will be situated. Opposite WhSmith on Ramsgate high street.  Also on Ramsgate high street this is were I will conduct my survey.

In the Ramsgate high street at the moment there is only 2 sports equipment shops and these only sell a very selective amount of clothing for instance tennis rackets and soccer balls are quite well stocked up.

But I hope when I trade to provide a wide range of sports equipment to cater for every sporting person’s needs.

For my research I will such sources of information as the Internet my teacher Mr Smith and textbook Author Alain Anderton.

Aims and Objectives

My aims and objectives are to have a good sturdy first year and at least make 20% profit in my first 6months. Also one of my aims to get a lot of good feedback from customers about my advertising campaign, so I know that I has been worth while campaign to spend a large amount of money on this.

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Aims: I would like to in the first year have good staff communication from manager to part time employee. Also by the end of the year I would like to have the best reputation in the town for good fare prices and good staff punctuality to all of my customers no matter how demanding they are. How I will achieve these aims is quite simple firstly I will provide a good staff-training scheme and always give the workers an incentive to sell more products for instance commission. Also I will an employee of the month presented to the employee who ...

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