Performance Management.

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Page  of         Jake Gibson        J3 – Ms Khan

Performance Management

Performance management is a process a business uses to achieve its targets and objectives effectively. It includes such processes as planning and targeting, strategy development, performance appraisals, etc.

Performance management is important for a business because it helps the business to remain competitive, it helps to expand and help the business grow, it involves self-evaluation and other staff evaluation which helps improve the communication between staff and makes staff more aware of how well they are performing, training and development takes a significant role in performance management it has a major influence in promotions of employees and the future of every employee.

Managers exercise their control by planning with objectives and targets, establishing the performance standards, monitoring the actual business’ performance, comparing performance with targets and correcting mistakes and taking action.

        MBO has an important role in performance management, MBO is a process in which individual performance and organisational performance is being consistently measured against objectives and targets that have been mutually agreed between managers and employees. MBO can be determined through regular meetings between managers and employees. This involves a top-down and bottom-up approach.

        The processes of MBO are more likely to be successful if they meet the SMART criteria:

        S – Specific – Specific means that an observable action, behaviour or achievement is described and is also linked to a rate, number, percentage or frequency.

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        M - Measurable – This is the process of tracking, monitoring and assessing the behaviour or action upon which the objective is focused.

        A – Agreed – The objectives that are set with people need to be capable of being reached but most importantly they need to be agreed by both parties involved.

        R – Realistic – This means two things: (1) The goal or target being set with the individuals where they can impact upon change. (2) Objectives are realistic and important to the business.

        T – Time Based – This means there has to be a date and ...

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