Protectionism -Arguments for and against

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                Alex Chu


Arguments for Protection-

The Infant Industries Argument:

An infant industry is an industry that is in its early stages of development.  It usually only has a small percentage of the local market because of foreign competition.  It generally costs the infant industries more to produce a unit than their foreign competitors, so they are disadvantaged when they come to the price of the product.  Many argue that these industries need to be protected until they become more established and efficient so they can be able to compete with their more established foreign competitors.  If this was to happen, then the protected industry must have the potential to sell the goods at a lower price then the foreign competitors, which means that the firm must be more efficient, and produce at a lower price.

On the other hand, if the infant industry has potential to compete with foreign competition in the long run, then the entrepreneurs will start a business in that industry even if protection is not offered.  If this is the case, then some may suggest that the infant industry argument is invalid and that protection is only offered to infant industries that can never establish themselves.

The Strategic Industries Argument:

Governments argue that it is necessary to protect certain strategic industries from competition.  This is a political argument rather than a economic one, because the decision to define a certain industry as a strategic industry cannot be made purely made on an economic basis.  An example of a strategic industry is the military industry.

The Protection Of Domestic Employment:

Protection seems to be used during times of depression or recession.  If the foreign products are more expensive relative to the domestic products, then the consumers will buy the domestic product.  With this increase in demand for the locally produced product, the producers will need to look for more local employment.  Some also argue that a decrease in protection will cause the local producers to be less competitive so that will increase local unemployment.  

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By using protection to promote local employment, some say that we are exporting our unemployment to our trading partners.  They may use protection against our imports in retaliation.

Prevention Of Dumping:      

Dumping is when a foreign country sells its goods on domestic markets at a price lower than its production cost.  Foreign producers use dumping to clear their surplus stock or to create a monopoly in a foreign country by eliminating local competition; this is called predatory dumping.  We know when dumping is occurring when the prices for the good are lower on the foreign market ...

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