Starting a music shop called Musalicious.

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Action Plan

In this Course work I will be starting a music shop called Musalicious. I will get my information to start my shop from Primary and Secondary research. I will do this because I would get a better idea of the products I will sell, the gap in the market and how much I would sell them for. I need to conduct a questionnaire to find out what sort of music I should sell and what age group I should advertises to. So that when I do advertise it would appeal to the age group that I chose. I am doing questionnaire because it easier to record and make graphs and charts then just asking people random questions. If i do not find the information I need then I will then interview or rewrite the questionnaire so that includes more questions that will help me.

Definition of marketing.

‘The total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.’


Target market.

Target market is the market segment to which a particular product is marketed. It’s often defined by age, gender, geography and socio-economic grouping.

My Target Market

My Target Market will be Teenagers which ages between the ages of 13-18 years.  It will be to mix gendered teenagers so I can appeal to a wider range. My Music Shop with Focusing on R’n’B, Grime and Hip-hop. I am Hoping that there will be Income in focusing on teenagers because they enjoy listening to music on Ipods Mp3s and Mobile phones.

Primary Research

Definition: Primary research (also called field research) involves the collection of data that doesn't already exist. This method of research is always used as the first technique, this can then lead on to Field research.


My draft questionnaire consists of 7 questions. I asked 40 People to fill it out and hand it back to. When I was adding the results up I realised that I didn’t find out everything that I wanted to find out. So I added two more questions to the questionnaire. After I handed it back out I found out what I wanted so I put all the results into tables and charts.

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Questions in My Questionnaire.

  1. What sex are you?


   Male        Female

I asked this question so I could find out what sex would be more interested in music.

  1. How old are you?

10-16    17-20    21–30     30+


I asked this question ...

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