SWOT and PEST analysis

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SWOT Analysis

The following swot analysis helps to shows four main things, first of all it shows the opportunities available and also the threats when releasing a new cereal bar into the market, it also helps show any strengths and weaknesses for Cadburys when releasing there new cereal bar into the market, overall helping to ensure no mistakes are made.

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The above table shows many things Cadburys should be aware of when launching a new cereal bar, the main one which I feel could affect Cadburys would be the fact that other brands such as Kellogg’s will most probably continue dominating the market. Although a few threats there are still many opportunities Cadburys should be looking out for such as ensuring they meet consumer demands therefore ensuring high sales.

PEST Analysis

The following list is of external issues which could have an affect on Cadbury, I will be listing down these problems in four main sections which ...

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