The aim of this investigation is to explore the feasibility of opening a Men's shoe shop, which will aim at wealthy consumers who are willing to pay a higher price for quality shoes.

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The aim of this investigation is to explore the feasibility of opening a Men’s shoe shop, which will aim at wealthy consumers who are willing to pay a higher price for quality shoes.  

The shoe shop will sell a range of shoes, sizes and all the top designers. Therefore, it will be operating in a niche market, because there are no other shoe shops in the local area which provide top designer shoes and shoes which are very fashionable.

This type of shop will be aiming at consumers which are in the sector “A” or “B” of the social economic group. People in the “A” or “B” sector are consumers with a high income and who will tend to have a high spending level. This segment of the market is ideal for me to aim my products at; as they will be willing to spend more on goods.

I will be purchasing most of the shoes from the Internet and some from wholesalers. The reason for purchasing shoes from the Internet is because there is a large variety of shoes from which I can select from and that they are much cheaper to purchase from online suppliers.  

I will carry out research on what people prefer and how much they are willing to pay. This will help me get an idea on what prices to put goods at. I will also need to find out the size of the market I will be operating in, and will need to examine the competition in the area. I will gather my research by using a variety of sources, for example, Census, Internet and Books. I will also be carrying out foot counts and questionnaires to gather primary data.

I will be locating my store next to the high street and the size of the store will need to be small because I will not require a lot of space. The shop will be called “Edge Footwear” and it will have a contemporary design, in order to appear trendy and upmarket.

Type of Business

For my business I had to choose the type of ownership I wanted. This is a very crucial part of the business, because it will decide who will be the owners of the firm and who will finance the firm. There are 4 different types of ownerships I could’ve chosen from which are:

  • Sole Trader
  • Partnership
  • Private limited company
  • Public limited company

From what I already know I have decided to make my business a sole trader operation as these are the easiest to set up. Unlike starting other types of organisations, you do not have to fill in any special forms and you can just start trading straight away. Also in a sole trader you get to keep all the profits and that there are less regulations to comply with. As a sole trader I do not have to make business accounts available to anyone except Inland Revenue. This is useful as it saves time, and keeps my business dealings a secret to the public. Plus, being a sole trader means that I don’t have to take orders from any one else.

Factors for why I didn’t become a partnership:

  • I don’t have to share my profits
  • I don’t have to consult with partners to make decisions, so therefore more freedom

Factors for why I didn’t become a Private Limited Company (Ltd):

  • There are a number of legal requirements that I would need fulfil in setting up the company
  • More regulations mean that it is more expensive to set up than a sole trader
  • The accounting of the company is less private than a sole trader. Companies are governed by the Companies Act which state that financial records must be audited and made available to the registrar of companies.

Factors for why I didn’t become a Public Limited Company (PLC):

  • There is a risk of takeover from outsiders who purchase more than 50% of the company’s shares.
  • Directors will need to report back to the shareholders at the annual general meeting where unpopular decisions and poor results must be explained

Aims and Objectives

What are the aims of Edge Footwear?

  • Edge Footwear will need to become well known shoe shop in the area
  • Make people in the local area aware of the products we sell
  • As we are operating in a niche market we will need to make sure we survive and break even.
  • We are also aiming to achieve a 5% share of the market for the first year.

Way of achieving these aims

To become a well known shoe store in the local area, I would need to carry out intensive advertising of my store and the products I sell. I will need to consider all the different options of advertising which are below the line of promotion and above the line of promotion.

Frankly it is not an option to carry out and fund above the line promotion, because as a sole trader we will only have limited finance and will not be able to afford TV or national newspaper adverts. Plus we only want to target the local area and doing adverts on TV will not be specifically aiming at our targeted market.

To make the business survive I will need make sure that the monthly expense doesn’t outweigh the monthly revenue. For the first couple of months it is usual for a new firm to make a loss but after a couple of months the firm’s revenue should be outweighing the total expense. To increase the revenue I will need to focus on pricing strategies, promoting methods and supplying shoes which meet customer requirements.

To make the firm break even I will need to monitor my cash flow closely and make sure that expenses are kept to there lowest. Plus, I will need to price goods at a rate that they will not affect the amount sold and also contribution made can pay off the total expense.

Gaining a certain percentage of the market share will need to be achieved by earning high revenue from selling shoes. We will need to price shoes at a rate that the price reflects the quality of the shoe and that it also generates a sufficient amount of profit. Pricing shoes at a good rate will make sales increase and therefore I will gain a certain percent of the market share.

Edge Footwear Mission Statement

It is our mission to create a shopping experience like no other by offering customers a huge selection of quality name brand shoes, the best values, and a fun, entertaining store environment. We want Edge Footwear to be the number 1 choice for men’s footwear. We aim to:

  • Maintain consumer rights
  • Through heavy advertising become a well known store in the local area
  • To provide good customer service
  • Achieve a 5% market share in the first year
  • Provide quality shoes of all ranges and brands.

Marketing Information for Edge Footwear

Marketing objectives for Edge Footwear

Marketing is not advertising, it is actually finding out who wants to buy your product. Marketing is finding out what a customer wants, and then giving them that. The goal of marketing is to predict what the customer wants in the future, by looking at past trends, and carrying out market research. The goals of my marketing department are:

  • Increase sales-Could be achieved by lowering prices.
  • Increase market share- Could be achieved by increasing sales, by having special deals on certain shoes.
  • Improve image of business- Could be achieved by providing good customer service.

My Market

My market is going to be shoes of the topmost quality sold to consumers who have a high earning. Within this market I have a number of competitors like Clarks, River Island, Allders and many more. The reason why my firm will be successful is that it aims its goods at the consumers with a higher spending level, and in Woking there are no other shoe stores which target this market segment. Other shoe stores aim their products at the market segment with a lower earning and don’t focus on the requirements of the higher earners. Therefore this leaves a gap in the market, which I have decided to focus on, and this segment will be my targeted market.  

My Business Strategy

I have chosen to have a market orientated product, because as I am operating in a niche market I will always be monitoring the market environment to find out what customers want, what competitors are offering and what changes are occurring in market. Therefore I will be selling goods which are required by the consumer and this may increase my sales. Being market orientated means that I will always be aware of the new shoe trends because I will be monitoring the market regularly. Therefore, this allows me to get the right type of shoe in stock and which will meet the customers’ requirements.  

I did not choose a product orientated approach because I would be selling a product which I would not know whether the consumers will want it or not. This type of approach is very risky and may make my firm ending up with shoes that no one wants.

Asset-led would’ve been a very good approach to select, but as I do not have any strengths relating to shoes or retailing I cannot be stated as an asset led firm.

Target Market for Edge Footwear

This is a very important as this effects most aspects of my business. The market has a range of consumers who fit into a variety of segments depending on there age, life style, gender, income and region. I want to aim my products at the consumers who have a high income and who fit in the “A” or “B” social economic group. These consumers will be able to afford the shoes I sell because the products I sell will be priced at a high rate. These consumers will tend to have a high spending level and this will benefit me as they will be willing to spend more on goods.

I will be targeting the male gender of the market because I only sell shoes which are made for men. This will give the image that my shop is specialised in men shoes, so therefore it will bring a good reputation and image of my shop. Plus, I will be able to sell more styles and variety of men shoes, which will give customers much more choice.

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The age group I will be targeting would be mainly men aged above 30, because these people tend to have a higher job position which will mean that they will have a higher income.

I will be only targeting the Woking area, as this area does not have any shoe shops that target the high spending consumers. Plus shoe shops in Woking don’t sell shoes that have a good brand name and shoes which are fashionable. This shows that I am operating in niche market which gives the benefit of having no major competitors to compete with. There ...

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