The economic problem occurs when society has unlimited wants, yet limited resources available.

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The economic problem occurs when society has unlimited wants, yet limited resources available. This problem affects the economies of individuals, businesses and governments. Wants can be defined as materialistic desires of individuals or the community, which are desired because they give utility. Resources enable an economy to produce, and include the four factors of production: land, labour, capital and enterprise. These means fulfilling our desires are limited, so not all our wants can be satisfied with the limited resources available. Subsequently we must choose between them, and make choices in which our higher preference wants are given priority, and others are left unsatisfied.  

Whenever we satisfy one want, we are foregoing the opportunity of another alternative want. Therefore the real cost of fulfilling our want is not the money we pay for it, but the alternate want that we give up. This cost is known as the opportunity cost, or economic/real cost, as it is sometimes referred to as. Opportunity costs can be applied to the individual, business firms and the government. The economic choices of today affect tomorrow’s economic outcomes. When we choose to satisfy a want today, another want may not be fulfilled in the future.

There are different types of economies, which range between a market economy and a centrally planned economy. In a market economy, individuals and private firms make all major economic decisions. Wealth is obtained through their business activities without government intervention, and this type of system is sometimes known as free enterprise or capitalist. Characteristics of a market economy include:

Consumer sovereignty by the price mechanism- consumer sovereignty means that consumers will ultimately decide what goods and services will be produced by choosing which wants they wish to satisfy. Consumers wish to buy at the lowest price possible, whereas businesses want to sell at the highest price possible. The price mechanism brings supply and demand together to determine the market price for each good and service.

Private ownership of property- individuals have the right to own the means of production and acquire wealth from these resources.

Freedoms of enterprise- individuals have the right to use their resources as they choose.

Competition- this means that there is a large number of buyers and sellers, guaranteeing that no one buyer or seller is big enough to influence the market price and take advantage over others in the economy.  

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Under the system of a centrally planned economy, only central government planners make economic decisions, and there is a lack of individual choice to influence the economy. Public ownership of factors of production allows the government to allocate resources, however they wish. Some centrally planned economies in previous times include China and Russia, but no such economy exists today.

Australia, like many other economies, is a mixed economy. There are market forces that influence demand and supply, but also government interventions to solve and reduce the effects of various economic problems. The government provides most basic health, ...

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