The Effect of National Policy on Business

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The Effect of National Policy on Business


In this report I am going to research into how businesses are affected by policies towards-

* Taxation

* Benefits, subsidies and grants

* Exchange Rates

* Public Sector services

* Changes in Interest Rates

Using different sources I will find the pros and cons of each and also actual examples of where this has affected businesses in action.


There are lots of taxes that a business has to pay, including ones that you may not be aware you are paying. Some of the more obvious and major taxes that we are paying are -

* Capital Gains Tax


* Corporation Tax

VAT is an indirect tax for most business actions taking place in the UK. Imported goods and some imported services can also be taxed. If your business sells more than the yearly amount then you will need to register for VAT.
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Capital Gains Tax is charged on the sale or disposal of assets where the total Capital Gain over the financial year is over the yearly amount.

The Finance Act 1965 introduced a new tax on companies, Corporation Tax. This is a tax applied to profits of limited companies. The Standard Rate of Corporation Tax is 30%


Some businesses receive theses subsidies and benefits etc. Where taxes take money out of the economy subsidies put these back in. They are put in to help subsidies the production of a good or service ...

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