There is no such thing as a successful laissez-faire economy; every successful national economy is supported by a powerful and effective state.' Explain the main functions and limitations of state action in today's economics.

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There is no such thing as a successful laissez-faire economy; every successful national economy is supported by a powerful and effective state.’ Explain the main functions and limitations of state action in today’s economics.

‘Laissez-faire’ is a term which “has been used as convenient shorthand for the general prescriptions of the classical economists and in particular for a belief in the efficacy of a free market economy. In a more precise from it has been regarded as synonymous with free trade.” (Taylor. A 1972 P11) Although many classical economists believed that the free market economy was the best economic system as a nation economic system, in today’s economics, an idea of successful national economy is supported by a powerful and effective state. In this essay, the economic system’s definition and the characteristics of the three types of economic system will be outlined in turn firstly. It is also provides the fully explanation of the main functions and limitations of government intervention in economy. Finally, the summary that how could government operate well in today’s economy will also be concluded.

Economic system is “a system for coordinating the actions of all the people in a society in order to decide what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce.” (Economics Lecture Handout, 7th Oct 2004) There are two entire different models of economic system. At the one extreme lies the completely command economy, at the other extreme lies the completely free-market economy. How much the government intervenes is the main difference between these two types of economic system.

In the command economy, the government is heavily involved and the economic decision-making is centralised, which means all resources are allocated by the government through a planning process. This feature indicates that there is no private ownership in a command economy, resources such as lands and capitals are collective owned and controlled by the state. Another characteristic of command economy is that the economic agents: the planners (government), consumers and workers are not work for there own interests, they assumed to be “self-less” and working together for the common good.

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The former Soviet Union’s economy as a typical example of command economy, all the major economic decisions are taken by the government. The government conducts some form of input-output analysis in order to decide that what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce, and all profits will be generated into the state budget.

By contrast, the free-market economy is regarded as a market which it is operating without the government intervenes, “this is also known as a capitalist or free enterprise economy.” (Economics Lecture Handout, 7th Oct 2004) There are four main characteristics of a free-market ...

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