Types of electronic communication in business.

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EmailThis is one of the most common forms of electronic communication in business it is instant messaging and is an accurate form of contact it is an electronic letter sends through the internet to electronic addresses. An example of a business that uses this would be S.W.C lecturers communicate with each other and to students through this.Email is used in businesses because it a quicker and more
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efficient way to get in touch with clients and business partners also it won’t get lost in the mail and it is cheaper. If a global franchise needs to contact one of its branches in another continent then it could take up to week or longer for a letter to be sent through the mail with email it is sent instantly. S.M.SShort Message Service (SMS) is a communications protocol allowing the interchange of short text messages between mobiles. This would not be so common in businesses it is a more social way rather than professional way to stay in contact ...

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