Types of Market Research

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market research

Market research is when you find out how many people would want to buy the product offered for sale. If there is not a very big market for the product, then a lot of money could be wasted on producing a product which not many people will buy. It could even cause a business to go bankrupt. Therefore, it is very important that market research is carried out very accurately. Usually, market research tries to answer the following questions:

  • What feature of the product do they like/dislike?
  • Are people willing to buy the product?
  • What price are people prepared to pay?
  • Location of the selling point of the product?
  • Type of customer who buys the product?
  • Type of promotion that will be effective?
  • What the competition is like?

Businesses also need to know about the consumer wants to be more competitive. There are two main types of information that can be gathered from market research:

Quantitative information: Information about the quantity of something e.g. 'What percentage of teenagers eats a certain type of chocolate?'

Qualitative information: Information where an opinion or judgment is necessary, e.g. 'What do customers think about a particular product?' or 'Why do more men than women buy a certain company's products?'

Both types of information can be gathered as a result of:

  • Primary research, or field research
  • Secondary research, or desk research

Primary research

Primary research is the collection and collation of original data. It involves direct contact with potential or existing customers.

It will usually be planned and carried out by the person who wants to use the data; it is first-hand.  There are various types of primary research:

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  • Questionnaires – postal, face to face or by telephone
  • Interviews – individual face to face or by telephone, group interviews
  • Consumer panels (which are groups of people who agree to provide information about a specific product or general spending patterns over periods of time.
  • Observation – recording, watching or audits
  • Experiments

(Questionnaires, interviews and consumer panels are all different types of surveys)

The process of primary research

  1. Identify the purpose of the market research. (What you want to find out)
  2. Decide on the best method of research (primary, secondary or both). The ...

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