Understanding evolutionary psychology in an organization.

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Understanding evolutionary psychology in an organization

Organisation consists of managers and their employees striving for their goals and aspiration.  In a work place there is tremendous amount of disputes and misunderstanding as people interact with each other.  Study of psychology provides important information and insights about the human behaviour. An understanding of human behaviour is useful to a manager in maintaining and improving workplace performance.

Personality is a vital tool, which indicates success or the failure of an individual for that job.  “ Those relatively stable enduring aspects of the individual which distinguish him from other people and at the same time form the basis of our predictions concerning his future behaviour”(Wright et al, 1970). Managers get to know their employees even better as personality depicts their habits, interests, sentiments, ideals, opinions and believes. In addition to this managers can also judge the level of awareness that employee has towards his job. Sometimes there are conflicts between ego, superego, and id. Assessing personality can help managers placing people in jobs who are compatible with their characteristics. Personality indicates the individual’s way of coping and dealing with life. However, opposites can be bad, especially if undetected, and not properly managed in the work environment. Personality predicts how well we do in terms of "contextual performance" (i.e., commitment, non-attendance, involvement, dedication, abilities and job experiences predict task performance better). Cultural differences may impact personality:  may determine one's success in managing cross-culturally. It is also important in selection, training, motivation, communication, and change. May affect how managers make decisions, solve problems, handle conflicts, deal with politics, and cope with stress. Helps us understand how others are different from us, despite similar experiences and situations. The right personality for the job is always a combination of job fit and job attitude that varies with job type and organizational culture. Personality questionnaires help managers to compare individuals on the same criteria and distinguish between them in terms of good and bad. Questionnaires revels the level or abilities of an individual that would be appropriate at the workplace. Problem solving scale displays he or she prefers jobs requiring a mental challenge and solving complex problems or avoid mentally challenging positions. Administration scale shows that he or she likes to follow precedent and established processes or break rules and work without structure or guidelines. Resistance to change scale represents resistance to change and a desire for stability and consistency. Teamwork scale indicates whether he or she prefers to work alone or with others. Expressiveness scale represents whether individual is outgoing and having many social contacts or vise versa. Impulsiveness is a measure of how fast a person likes to make decisions. Perfectionism scale represents the person's attitude toward producing a perfect product. Attitude toward work scale represents how an applicant feels about working for an organization. Truthfulness scale shows whether the person was truthful or not. By examining patterns among personality scores, the hiring manager can gain valuable insight into applicants' attitudes, interests, and motivations. It provides the capability for building personality diversity while maintaining personality consistency. Personality test scores allow hiring managers to make inferences about future employee performance.

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