Using appropriate theories to support your answer, what steps can a manager take to motivate their employees?

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                Joanne Taylor


Motivation of employees is an important aspect of a manager’s job.

What do you think motivates a person to work well?

Using appropriate theories to support your answer, what steps can a manager take to motivate their employees?

In general terms motivation can be described as “the direction and persistence of action.  It is concerned with why people choose a particular course of action in preference to others and why they continue with a chosen action over a long period, and in the face of difficulties and problems” (L.Mullins, 2000).  This motivating individuals to work and behave in a certain way to the best of their ability and directing their efforts to the goals of the organisation is a real issue for managers and is certainly not easy.  This is due to the simple fact that each person has their own needs and expectations which they attempt to satisfy in a number of different ways.  Managers only have the ability to see their employees’ productivity and behaviour in the work place, therefore they need to find out and understand what their needs are to drive their behaviour, then fulfil and maintain them in order for motivation to take place.  Explained in the ‘Managerial Auditing Journal’, research has been carried out on how to bridge the gap between the needs and expectations of employees and those of their leaders.  To survive in a dynamic environment, leaders must learn to meet the needs and expectations of their employees.  This research aims to provide organisations with a technique known as “motivation audit”.  It is an approach to uncover, be aware of and understand the underlying factors that motivate their employees, otherwise tangible benefits may take considerable time to surface.

The various and complex needs and expectations can be categorised into Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation.  Extrinsic motivation relates to rewards individuals respond to such as ‘salary’, ‘fringe benefits’ and ‘promotion’ etc., and intrinsic motivation relates to psychological rewards i.e. the opportunity to use one’s ability, sense of achievement etc. Combining the strength of theses two factors with an individual’s desire to want social relationships, status and dependency, can determine their motivation, job satisfaction and work performance and the extent to which they are fulfilled.  “Some people may make the deliberate choice to forgo intrinsic satisfaction and social relationships, in return for higher reward” (L.Mullins, 2000).  

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        The results of a 1992 survey on the subject of what motivates employees indicates that the factors that motivate today’s workers are more extrinsic than they used to be.  Although employees differ on how they rank these factors, they overwhelmingly selected ‘good wages’ as the top motivator.  “On the surface a good wage can seem purely extrinsic yet at a deeper level, monetary rewards communicate what the company values and effect employees emotional and familial well-being” (International Journal of Manpower, 1997).

It is because of the complexity of motivation, and the fact that there is no single answer to ...

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