What is market failure?

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What is market failure?

To understand what market failure is, we first need to look at markets working correctly.

The assumption is that if markets are working freely with no imperfections, this will give the most efficient outcome,

The main causes of market failure

Once you understand what market failure is, we need to look at the various reasons why markets do fail. Below are listed the key reasons why markets fail:


This failure is due to a 'by-product' of a certain production process, or of consuming something, that affects a third party. This effect can be positive or negative.

The wrong market structure

This failure is due to the market structure not following the only truly efficient market structure (i.e. perfect competition)

Public, merit and demerit goods

This failure occurs as the goods being produced are of a nature that the market would under provide, over provide or even fail to provide, if the government did not intervene.

Other ways in which markets fail

There are numerous other reasons why markets fail and these are listed further down in this topic.

Private costs, external costs and social costs

With the example of the factory, we need to divide all the costs to society into private costs and external costs. The social cost of an activity is the total cost of that activity, both privately and externally. So:

Social Cost = Private Costs + External Costs

Let us assume that our factory is making cars. The private costs to the factory owner will include things like wages, the cost of raw materials and rent. The external cost, or externality, is the cost to the third party of cleaning up the waste produced by the factory.
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The total cost to society, therefore, must include the private cost, because society's resources are being used in the production process, and the external cost, because some of society's resources must be used to clear up the mess

Positive externalities

As stated earlier, although it is less obvious, there are examples of positive externalities. A good example is education. This includes training by firms as well as what goes on in schools and universities. If you get a good education, there are obvious private benefits; better career prospects and higher future earnings for instance. But there ...

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