Why Accra in Ghana could be a good location for the production of Mars chocolate.

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I believe that the best place for you to carry out the production of your lovely mars bars is in my home city of Accra, Ghana and there are many reasons why I believe this.

Raw Materials

Firstly, out of your short listed locations, Accra and Ghana in general is the best place for raw materials needed to produce mars bars which are cocoa, almonds, caramel, and milk. All of these things are grown in huge amounts in Ghana. For example, Ghana is the second largest producer of cocoa in the world, producing 730 thousand tons which accounts to more than 20% of the worlds total. Ghana is also a frontrunner in the production of almonds and milk, as well as sugars which are needed to make caramel and so almost everything needed to produce the chocolate bars need not to be imported from other countries and continents, rather need only to be transported from nearby farms which not only saves money however also saves energy and so is better for the environment.

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Labour in Ghana is very cheap and again is the cheapest area out of your shortlisted places for labour. The minimum wage in Ghana is about £1.40 an hour compared to the UK where it is about £6 and Poland where it is about £1.60 an hour. Labour is also very readily available in Accra so in terms of Labour, Ghana is the best place for Mars to locate its factories


Land in Ghana, in simplest terms, is good and cheap which I think is the best combination. Out of all the places on your shortlist Ghana ...

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