Gladiatorial games and what made them so exciting

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Gladiatorial games and what made them so exciting


A gladiator’s life is one of mystery. There is no way of finding out the true feelings or how scared a gladiator was before he walked through the massive, intimidating gates of the coliseum, into a fight which could lead to his death. In this essay I will explain what made the games such an intricate and exciting part of Roman lives and how they were treated on there journey to the coliseum. I will also try and look into the feelings of the gladiators and how their feelings could have made the games more exciting.

The meaning of a gladiator and how they became gladiators

A gladiator meant a sword fighter, or a fighter in an arena. A gladiator must have fought another combatant or a wild beast in public to be known as one. They originated from funeral processions. In roman times they operated under the belief that when a very important man died, his spirit would need to require a ‘blood sacrifice’ to survive in the afterlife. Supposedly, the dead spirits would not survive or be satisfied without this ‘blood sacrifice’.          

Gladiators were usually recruited from criminals, slaves (especially captured fugitives), and prisoners of war. Criminals, having lost their citizen rights and slaves and prisoners of war having none, had no choice about becoming a gladiator, if they had the physical and emotional make-up necessary for the profession.

There were many occasions however of a free born man who voluntarily chose the profession and pledged themselves to the owner, ‘lanists’, of a gladiatorial ‘famillia’ by swearing an oath.

      But why would a free man drop to the lowest social status and have to be embarrassed by making the oath?

Well there are many good reasons; although he may have lost all citizen rights he can restore some dignity by taking on the hardest, most brutes job in roman times. Although the gladiators were often frowned upon in roman society by the ‘upper class’, who considered them as useless slaves fighting for the pointless enjoyment of others. They did in some respects often enjoy a good social prestige with in particular young roman boys. Matrons would also enjoy affairs with gladiators.

Gladiator Training

The conditions of the places in which the gladiators trained in were not that bad. The owners of gladiator schools and the trainers saw the gladiators as good investments so they were treated correctly and put on a strict diet of high protein, and also received decent medical care. Gladiators were trained by ‘Doctores’. And within each gladiator school there would have been a competitive hierarchy of grades ‘paloi’. Gladiators would be able to move up or down grades. Gladiators would be trained by using two metre poles buried in the ground. As a gladiator went up through the grades his training would become very intense and less manufactured.  

This is an old gladiator training ground in Pompeii. You can see the different areas of the training ground for example the large grass square will be were athletes will train for gladiatorial battles. Many events would be trained in these areas such as boxing sword fighting and running. I feel this adds an extra factor to the games. The fact that people were trained is a very key point which would make the games more thrilling because the fighters are semi professionals/professionals which would make it more exiting because they know what they are doing.

Gladiators were not only trained to kill but also how to make an exhilarating killing blow, and also if defeated, they were trained how to offer there body for the most effective ‘coupe de grace’. The day before the event, a public banquet (coena libera) was given for the gladiators, some of whom gorged themselves at what might be their last meal, others eating in hopeful anticipation of the next day, and some with no appetite at all, terrified at the prospect of what was to come.

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From this passage it is clear that gladiators in most respects are treated like human beings.            


Types of Gladiators and their armour

There are three main types of gladiators, all of whom risk their lives every time they step foot into the great coliseum. Gladiators were originally named according to their equipment and the country which they came from.

A Thracian - wore okra on both legs, carried a small square shield, wore either a full visor helmet or an open faced helmet with a wide brim, and carried a curved Thracian sword with an angled bend ...

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