The presentation of desire and frustration in Death and the Maiden and Antigone.

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World Literature Assignment


Nikolas B. Hansen

International Baccalaureate Higher English

The presentation of desire and frustration in Death and the Maiden and Antigone.

In the plays, Death and the Maiden by Ariel Dorfman and Antigone by Jean Anouilh, the themes of desire and frustration are brought out by the authors, and are able to lift off the façade, uncovering the real truth and by doing this, allowing the reader to relate to the experiences and feelings of the characters and also explore deeper themes and ideas. Death and the Maiden is a story exploring the Pinochet regime in Chile. It deals with life after the regime and how one woman, Paulina, has to live with the memories of gruesome torture. The play of Antigone deals with frustration on another level, as Antigone refuses to let her brother lie dead in the dirt, despite the King’s orders to the contrary and thereby causes a dispute within her family.

In Death and the Maiden, Paulina is terrorized by the fact that the man who tortured her is in her house. It is logical and understandable that she would want revenge or to perform similar acts of torture on him. “It may be a teensy-weensy thing, but it’s enough for me. During all these years not an hour has passed that I haven’t heard it, that same voice…” shows how the memory of Dr. Miranda’s voice l remained in her head and has tormented her throughout her life. Gerardo, her husband sees her actions as drastic and careless and therefore tries to talk sense into her. “A vague memory of someone’s voice is not proof of anything, Paulina, it is not incontrovertible.” Gerardo’s beliefs in this scenario are clearly shown to be on the opposite side of Paulina’s, and this creates intense frustration between the two who although have lived together for 15 years, have never really talked about what happened to them. The tension and lack of knowledge created for the reader portrays the desire of Paulina to finally have things her way for once. She is tired of giving in to people, for what she believes to be the wrong reasons. Paulina is shown to be unafraid of confrontation, but she is seen to be conscious about physical contact “If I put it down, you’ll use your strength to win the argument.” Says Paulina to Gerardo, and it shows how the knows Gerardo would find some way of penetrating her conscience and bring her down, mentally, on the right track, according to Gerardo, leaving Paulina more frustrated, more confused and with even more desire. This links the ideas of being held back mentally, and physically by others, and therefore relevantly supports the theme of frustration in the play, but also links the oppression, which had occurred earlier in Chile.

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Antigone is a young girl whose uncle, the King has given orders to leave one of Antigone’s brothers to lie dead in the dirt just outside of the kingdom, and allowed the other brother a proper royal funeral and burial ground. His orders have been given this way due to the fact that the two brothers fought against each other and both died. Antigone’s frustration is firstly at a different level as it deals with family as in Antigone’s brother, but desire is also explored and portrayed as a central theme of the play. As Antigone’s brother, Polynices, dies ...

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