Analysis of Existing Products.

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Analysis of Existing Products

In the design brief I had stated that I will create some kind of thing which will enable me to keep my books cleanly organized and safe. In the past days I have searched on the Internet and in my surrounding community for existing products, which keep books organized and safe. All the sizes are rounded. All the sizes are in inches. The different types of objects/things I have found are:

* Open Bookshelf

* Closed Bookshelf

* Filing Cabinet

* Portable Bookshelf

* Multi Purpose Bookshelf

Below I have described about the products I found for each specific objects.

Design/Theme: Open Bookshelf

Materials: Open Bookshelf can be made out of basically anything. Wood, Metal (Steel), Marble, Plastic, Glass are all the materials used for making a bookshelf. But the most common material used is Wood and Metal. These is because they are the strongest materials among listed and also are available in great quantities.

Functions/Purpose: The function and purpose of a open bookshelf is to keep books. When books are kept without good care, they usually get in bad quality. Another reason the bookshelf does is that it allow the user to easily find his book, rather than going through piles of books.

Durability: Since open bookshelves are made from different materials, it depends on what they are made from. If they are made from wood, the durability is high. Wood is a material, which lasts long unless it is put in a condition where nature can access it. But as my open bookshelf would be kept inside the room, or house, it will be safe and last a long time. Whereas Metal has the highest durability compared to all the other materials. They do not get rotted or fungus like wood and are not breakable like glass. They are very strong and attractive looking. Marble is another durable material too. Plastics are durable also, but depending on what conditions they are under. Plastic can react quite quickly with heat and damaged easily. But as my bookshelf would be inside the house, it would not be greatly affected by the sunlight's rays. So as it can be seen most of the materials used to make a bookshelf are greatly durable and therefore the product will also be durable.

Examples: Open Bookshelf are available in different sizes and different materials. I would like my open bookshelf to be of a medium size. Below are some examples of Open Bookshelf.

Environmental Impact? Social Significance? Personal Comments:

I think that an open bookshelf is a great product. This is because it fulfills my design brief almost. It allow books to be kept easily stored. The Materials used in the product are good except plastic and wood. Plastic is a material which is not recyclable and that means it is harmful to the environment. Also while in the manufacturing process of plastic lots of harmful gases are left into the air. Wood is a good material to use, as it is durable but cutting trees are producing it, which is not good for our environment. Therefore these materials are harmful to the environment. Bookshelves shown above also have a good color as it matches with my house. But the only thing bad about some of the bookshelves are their prices. Like the ones shown above, some of them are over $500. Even though the materials are very good, I think this price is too expensive. Most of the products have a good size as they are medium. But some of them are too huge. I feel the bookshelves on the most top right are the best as their price, weight, size are all under limits. And as it is made from metal, the durability is also high. I feel these products will be very helpful in solving my problem. But if I decide to use these open bookshelves, I am keeping my books organized but not safe. As the bookshelf is open, dust, insects and all other things will be affecting the conditions of my books. Therefore the open bookshelf does not fully fulfill my needs.
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* My own Open Bookshelf at my home (photograph, the last photo)

* Brochure from a Furniture Exhibition

Design/Theme: Closed Bookshelf

Materials: Many materials can be used to manufacture Closed Bookshelf. But the most common materials used are pine and oak for the basic structure. Handles, Glass and Hinges are also used for the doors to work.

Functions/Purpose: The function of this closed cupboard is to keep books safely organized with ...

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