Can we use a better Polymer

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Paul Mather 10WS        Chemistry                8th November

Can we use a better polymer?

A polymer is a term used to describe large molecules consisting of repeating structural units, or monomers.  The word derives from the Greek words poly (many) and meros (parts) - (many parts).  There are two types of polymers – natural and synthetic. Examples of natural polymers include:- DNA, skin, hair and keratin. Examples of synthetic polymers include:- plastic, nylon, polyethylene and polystyrene.

The Chain Structure of a Polymer

Synthetic polymers are made by reacting together small molecules called monomers.  When the monomers join together they form a polymer. We make polythene by joining together molecules of ethene.

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The main properties for a material are:

  • Strong
  • Tough
  • Flexible
  • Tension
  • Soft
  • Density

You could test a material for a specific property in many ways, for a carrier bag you could put in various weights to see how much the bag can hold without the handles snapping or the bottom of the bag falling through.  You can modify the properties of a material by adding a chemical.  For example, if you want to create a super-strong carrier bag you would have to add the correct chemical ...

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