Chocolate: Behind its bad rap

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Chocolate: Behind its Bad Rap

Chapter One – Introduction to the Problem


Introduction to the Problem

In today's society, chocolate is everywhere.   It seems that people have developed a love-hate relationship with chocolate.   According to the US Department of Commerce, the average American ate 11.7 pounds of chocolate in the year 2000.   American adults ranked chocolate as the most-craved food and as their favorite flavor by a three-to-one margin.   (Mustad, 2001)

Throughout the world exists a society of chocolate lovers.   While Americans consume an average of nearly 12 pounds of chocolate per year, we are not the biggest fans.   The British eat 16 pounds each and the Swiss, inventors of milk chocolate, consume the most yearly at 22 pounds per person.

However, while people love it, they can’t help feeling a pang of guilt when eating it because over the years, chocolate has gotten a "bad rap" as being an unhealthy food.   However, recent research is slowly unraveling the hidden truth about chocolate – that it might actually be beneficial to a balanced diet.   (Bloom, Mustad)

Despite its name, a typical "milk" chocolate bar provides less than 10 percent of the daily recommended amount of calcium.   But, surprisingly, a government survey shows that chocolate and products containing chocolate make substantial contributions to our daily intake of copper, an essential mineral in the prevention of anemia and, possibly, heart disease and cancer.   Chocolate also provides significant amounts of magnesium, which plays a role in regulating blood pressure and building bones.   (Edmundson, 1996)


Chocolate Myths

Before examining the possible benefits of chocolate, it is important to understand the myths surrounding the delectable food.  

Many people believe that the fat in chocolate will cause high levels of cholesterol in the blood.   However, since it is a product of plants, chocolate does not contain cholesterol.   It is actually saturated fat that is the culprit of increasing cholesterol in the blood.   (Bloom)

Stearic acid, which is the main saturated fat found in chocolate, does not raise blood cholesterol levels.   A study in which subjects consumed a 1.4 oz.   chocolate bar instead of a high carbohydrate snack revealed that the chocolate bar did not raise low-density lipoprotein levels, known as LDL or "bad cholesterol," but actually increased high-density lipoprotein levels, known as HDL or "good cholesterol."

Many people also look down at chocolate as completely lacking in vitamins and minerals but this is also untrue.   When comparing the nutritional values of chocolate milk with regular milk, it is easy to see that chocolate milk has much more sugar than regular milk.   Still, it also contains higher levels of zinc, potassium, copper and magnesium.   (Steinberg, 2001)

Solid chocolate is a major source of copper, which helps the body use iron and aids in the development of connective tissue, blood vessels, and skin, and magnesium, which is part of the bone structure and plays an important role in the nervous system and in the break down of protein.   Another bonus for chocolate milk is that children are more likely to get more of these valued nutrients when offered chocolate milk because they tend to drink two-thirds more chocolate milk versus plain milk.

Contrary to popular belief, chocolate does not cause acne.   In a 1970’s study carried out at the University of Missouri, test subjects who believed their acne problems got worse within 36 hours of ingesting the "culprit" food were given the equivalent of 230g of chocolate and then observed every day for the week following.   (Steinberg, Bloom)

To the amazement of all, no increases in acne were found in response to the food challenges.   In a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania and the U.S.   Naval Academy, 65 acne sufferers began to consume large amounts of chocolate.   46 showed no change in their condition, 10 got better and nine got worse.   This indicates that acne is not related to chocolate consumption.   Further studies show that it is related to hormonal changes that create activity of the skin's oil glands.

Additionally, chocolate is not high in caffeine, as many people think.   The amount of caffeine in a typical 1.4 oz.   bar or an 8 oz.   glass of chocolate milk is equivalent to a cup of decaffeinated coffee with 6 mg caffeine.   An ounce of bittersweet chocolate has more; from 5-35 mg caffeine and 1 ounce unsweetened baking chocolate has 35 mg.   These levels are all well below the 140 mg that is in a cup of brewed coffee.   Stimulant effects of caffeine can be initiated after consuming 150-200 mg, but this varies from person to person.   (Edmundson)

Almost everybody remembers their parents telling them that chocolate causes cavities.   But candy alone does not.   Susceptible teeth, dental plaque, and food cause cavities.   In fact, chocolate and cocoa have the ability to offset the acid-producing potential of the sugar they contain.  

Milk chocolate has a high content of protein, calcium, phosphate and other minerals, which have protective effects on tooth enamel.   Also, since it contains fat, milk chocolate clears the mouth relatively faster than other candies, so milk chocolate may be less cavity causing.  

There is little evidence that chocolate is addictive, although those craving it would say otherwise.   The substances found in chocolate do not appear in high enough amounts to exert any significant influence.   The most likely explanation for cravings is psychological or sensory.   Researchers have found that chocolate aroma has a powerful calming effect.   According to Dr.   Neil Martin, a senior lecturer in neuropsychology, the sweet smell "may remind people of certain things that are relaxing - or something could be tapping into the sub-cortical emotional centre." (Vinson, 2001)

Researchers at Dundee University suspect the "craving" is simply due to the deep-rooted pleasure of eating chocolate, a combination of sweet taste and creamy texture.   Another possibility is the "naughty but nice" factor many people associate with this delicious snack food.   (Vinson, Bloom)

The final basic myth surrounding chocolate is that it makes children hyper.   However, both the FDA and 1988 Surgeon General's Report on Sugar and Health support findings that neither chocolate nor sugar causes hyperactivity.   It is more likely that the environments in which these foods are served are what cause children to get excited.


Statement of the Problem

Research that portrays chocolate as a healthy food may encourage chocoholics to toss aside their feelings of guilt and indulge to their heart’s content.   After all, research shows that chocolate is good for the heart.   However, many agencies, such as the British Heart Foundation, are arguing that advising people to eat chocolate regularly is a reckless message that should be ignored.   A more accurate message would be, according to the British Heart Foundation, to "enjoy a little chocolate in moderation, but ensure you eat five portions of fruit and vegetables daily to get all the flavonoids you need without the added fat." (Steinberg)

For example, research has shown that high amounts of flavonoids, which are found in chocolate, may also positively affect mechanisms involved in the maintenance of cardiovascular health.   However, this information does not mean that large amounts of chocolate in the diet are going to prevent heart disease.  

The purpose of this study is to show that chocolate can be taken off the "guilty foods" list and added to the list of foods that are a part of a healthy diet.   But it is important to also show the damaging effects of eating chocolate, which may be downplayed by the newest research promoting chocolate.  



For years chocolate has gotten a bad rap for being a guilty indulgence." Seen as a food with a distinctive and tempting flavor that was resisted by health-conscious individuals, this reputation can be seen in the fact that chocolate cake is often called "devil's food." (Coe, 1996)

There are many reasons that chocolate was seen as an unhealthy food.   Many health officials labeled chocolate as being associated with fat and refined sugar.   It was also said to have high levels of caffeine, and be a contributing factor in a variety of problems, including heart disease and obesity.

This study will show that a lot of chocolate’s bad reputation is undeserved.   For example, the link between chocolate and disorders, such as obesity and heart disease, is not due to chocolate itself but rather all the high-fat, high-cholesterol butter and cream that is used in chocolate candies and baked goods.  

Interestingly, cocoa has actually been used for centuries as an herbal medicine.   Central Americans have used cocoa to treat a great variety of things, including fevers, coughs and discomfort associated with pregnancy.   There is also evidence that hints that cocoa can be a digestive aid that boosts blood flow to the heart and is useful in helping victims of chest congestion breathe easier.   (Young, 1994)

Tests performed by a professor of nutrition and internal medicine on more than 100 volunteers who ate either small amounts of chocolate or who consumed flavonoid-rich cocoa beverages, indicated that the flavonoids in chocolate—compounds that naturally occur in many fruits and vegetables, but are particularly plentiful in cocoa beans—confer helpful effects similar to those produced by low doses of aspirin.  

Public health officials often suggest that individuals over the age of 40 take a baby aspirin a day to reduce their risk for stroke and heart attacks.   In the United States, it is estimated that millions of individuals take aspirin on a daily basis for its cardio-protective effects.

Scientists have also found that the flavonoids in chocolate may augment the natural oxidant defense systems in the body, which may reduce the risk for certain diseases.  

Still, nutrition experts caution that chocolate, which is rich in sugar and fats, should not be viewed as a substitute for fruit and vegetables.   Similarly, flavonoid-rich foods should not be viewed as a substitute for low-dose aspirin.   This study will examine both the benefits and risks of chocolate in the diet.


Research Questions

How has chocolate gotten a bad rap for being an unhealthy food?

What proof do we have that is a healthy food?

Are the studies on chocolate biased or incomplete?

What are the positive and negative ingredients of chocolate?

How can chocolate be beneficial to a balanced diet?

In what ways can chocolate be harmful to the body?

How has chocolate been used and abused throughout history?

What do nutritionists say about chocolate?

How is chocolate good for the heart?

How is chocolate good for the brain?

What role do the manufacturers of chocolate and chocolate products play in today’s research?

Is chocolate a health food?

What kind of research needs to be done in the future?

Are men and women equally attracted to chocolate?



The purpose of this study to show that chocolate does not deserve the bad rap that it has gotten as an unhealthy food.   With a well-balanced diet, eating moderate amounts of chocolate can be beneficial.   Still, this study is aimed at providing a complete picture of the studies that have been conducted on chocolate.   It is important to know both sides of the story.  

While many myths regarding chocolate have been proven wrong, there are still negative effects of eating chocolate.   Chocolate is rich in calories and saturated fat, which can lead to disease and obesity.   Also, chocolate can be bad for some people.  

Chocolate, as well as red wines and certain cheeses, contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a substance that can dilate blood vessels in the brain.   People with sensitivity to PEA might find that eating chocolate triggers headaches, even migraines.   (Mustad, 2001)

This study will also examine which types of chocolate are most beneficial and which are lacking in nutritional value.   It is my goal to prove that chocolate can be beneficial to the diets of many people, provided that they eat it in moderation and in combination with a healthy, well-balanced diet.


Significance of the Study

While initial research on the benefits of chocolate is encouraging, it is obvious that large-scale, controlled human studies are missing and more research is needed.  

Chocolate was long believed to be a source of saturated fats, a type of fat that can have negative effects on overall health.   More recently however, a number of studies have identified the fat in chocolate as being stearic acid, a type of fat that the body converts through a series of biochemical changes, into oleic acid, which does not have the same deleterious effects.  

The problem lies with the type of chocolate.   Rich, dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content is a potential source of antioxidants, but what makes up the remaining 30%?

Also, it appears that many studies that have been performed have been minimal and their results have been somewhat misleading.   It is important to examine the facts and the result of the research to come to a conclusion about whether chocolate is good, bad or both.


Definition of Terms

**All definitions taken from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.  

Acne- an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face.

Anandamide- a messenger molecule that plays a role in pain, depression, appetite, memory , and fertility.

Antioxidants- a substance, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta carotene, thought to protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation.  

Calories- a unit of energy-producing potential equal to this amount of heat that is contained in food and released upon oxidation by the body.

Catechins- a crystalline substance, C15H14O6, derived from catechu and used in tanning and dyeing.

Chocoholic- a person who craves chocolate.

Cholesterol- a white crystalline substance, C27H45OH, found in animal tissues and various foods, that is normally synthesized by the liver and is important as a constituent of cell membranes and a precursor to steroid hormones.   Its level in the bloodstream can influence the pathogenesis of certain conditions, such as the development of atherosclerotic plaque and coronary artery disease.

Conching- a flavor developing process that kneads the chocolate.

Depression- a psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death.

Fats- macronutrients which are essential to life and provide a useful source of energy while insulating the body and its organs against the cold.   They also build and maintain body tissue while assisting in the transport of fat-soluble vitamins throughout the body.

Flavanoids- a a grouping of micro-nutrients are 12 classes that individually total over 20,000.   One plant or herb may contain hundreds of flavonoids.   The more well researched flavonoid classes are flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, quercetin, anthocyanidins, and catechins.   Flavonoids therefore make up the largest group of anti-oxidants.

Hyperactive- highly or excessively active.

Magnesium- a light, silvery-white, moderately hard metallic element that in ribbon or powder form burns with a brilliant white flame.   It is used in structural alloys, pyrotechnics, flash photography, and incendiary bombs.

Nutrient- any substance that provides essential nourishment for the maintenance of life.

Obesity- the condition of being obese; increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat.

Oleic Acid- an oily liquid, C17H33COOH, occurring in animal and vegetable oils and used in making soap.

Palmitic Acid- a fatty acid, C15H31COOH, occurring in many natural oils and fats and used in making soaps.

Phenylethlamine- a chemical that speeds up the flow of information between nerve cells.

Phosphate- a  containing a phosphorus atom.   Phosphate is used by  to carry  from one  to another in .   It is also part of  and .

Phytochemicals- non-nutrient plant chemicals that contain protective,
disease-preventing compounds.

Plyphenol- a substance made when plants go through photosynthesis.   It's contained in most plants.   In red grapes, tannin and risberitol are the two main types, and in green tea, it's katekin, which is well known.

Potassium- a soft, silver-white, highly or explosively reactive metallic element that occurs in nature only in compounds.   It is obtained by electrolysis of its common hydroxide and found in, or converted to, a wide variety of salts used especially in fertilizers and soaps.

Protein-Protein is a macronutrient, composed of amino acids, that promotes the growth and repair of body tissue such as skin, muscle and hair.   The daily-recommended intake of protein, depending upon age and gender, can range between 40 grams and 105 grams.   Protein is most often found in meat and animal products such as milk and eggs, but can also be found in plant foods like nuts and beans.

Saturated Fat- a fat, most often of animal origin, that is solid at room temperature and whose fatty acid chains cannot incorporate additional hydrogen atoms.   An excess of these fats in the diet is thought to raise the cholesterol level in the bloodstream.

Stearic Acid- a colorless, odorless, waxlike fatty acid, CH3(CH2)16COOH, occurring in natural animal and vegetable fats and used in making soaps, candles, lubricants, and other products.

Sugars- carbohydrates, which are macronutrients that serve as the main source of energy for the body.   Most carbohydrates consist of a combination of one or more of three single-molecule sugars: glucose, fructose and galactose.   Starch consists of long chains of glucose molecules linked together.   Table sugar, or sucrose, consists of two sugar molecules (one glucose and one fructose) linked together.  

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Theobromine- a bitter, colorless alkaloid, C7H8N4O2, derived from the cacao bean, found in chocolate products and used in medicine as a diuretic, vasodilator, and myocardial stimulant.

Zinc- a bluish-white, lustrous metallic element that is brittle at room temperature but malleable with heating.   It is used to form a wide variety of alloys including brass, bronze, various solders, and nickel silver, in galvanizing iron and other metals, for electric fuses, anodes, and meter cases, and in roofing, gutters, and various household objects.


Chocolate: Behind Its Bad Rap

Chapter Two – Review of Related Literature and Research


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