Digestion: Fact sheet.

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Digestion: Fact sheet


Digestion means that large food molecules are broken down into smaller ones, which can be dissolved and broken down into food group such as:

  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Starch
  • Carbohydrate’s
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Fibres

This all happens inside the gut where food is mixed with enzymes.

Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates have to be digested before the body can use them because they’re made of large complicated molecules.

Once they’ve been digested they’re small enough to pass through the gut wall and into the blood this is called absorption.

Vitamins and minerals don’t have to be digested because they’re small enough to pass through the gut wall and into the blood.

Fibre can’t be digested because humans don’t make the right enzymes for this to take place. And the molecules are too big to pass through the gut wall so it stays inside the gut and makes up most of the faeces.

(Below is a example of how enzymes breakdown food molecules)

(Below is a picture of the digestive system)



The mouth all the way down to the anus is an 8m tube, where food is digested and then absorbed into the blood.

Food that can’t be digested forms faeces and is then egested from the anus.

The food is first ingested through the mouth a mechanical process where the teeth tears, chew, crush and grind the food. The saliva in the mouth, which is an enzyme, helps breakdown the food into simpler molecules.

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The stomach then churns the food and releases enzymes to breakdown the food.

The gut wall then excretes the enzymes and most of the nutrients in the food are absorbed in the small intestine. What remains is stored and concentrated into faeces where it’s then egested through the large intestine.



The structures that are important in the digestive system are: Mouth, Oesophagus (Gullet), Liver, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Bile Duct, Duodenum, Pancreas, Pancreatic Duct, Ileum (Small Intestine), Large Intestine.

When food is swallowed ...

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