Food Technology Report - packaging and nutritional labelling

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Food Technology Report

The main purposes of food packaging are:

To preserve the product

To protect the product from damage, both accidental or malicious damage (where someone damages the product on purpose)

To make the product more attractive to the consumer

To make it easier to transport the product

Packaging: materials


Plastics are widely used in food packaging because they are:

versatile - in particular, they can be either flexible or rigid

resistant to acids and other chemicals

easy to print on

lightweight, and

cheap to produce

(NB: not all plastics have all the above qualities.)

Types of plastics used in food packaging.

A special packaging technique is Modified-Atmosphere Packaging (MAP). Here food products are contained in a plastic container, in which the air has been modified to prolong the shelf-life of food and to stall colour deterioration and other problems, until the package is opened. The product can be seen through clear packaging. MAP is used to package:

cold meats

smoked fish




fresh pasta

part-baked breads, and

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Non-plastic packaging materials

Non-plastic packaging materials include paper, card, metal and glass.

Advantages, disadvantages and uses of different types of materials.

Green packaging

Green packaging causes less damage to the environment than other forms of packaging - it is 'environmentally friendly'. There are three types of green packaging:

Reusable packaging, such as glass bottles, which can itself be cleaned and re-used to store the same food or something else.

Recyclable packaging, which is made of materials that can be used again, usually after processing, for packaging or some another purpose. Recyclable packaging ...

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