Investigate which material is most efficient for insulation.

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My Aim is to investigate which material is most efficient for insulation.


1. A measuring cylinder to measure to volume of   water needed (also to make it a fair test).

2. copper cans, to hold the boiled water.

3. A kettle to boil the water.

4. A thermometer, to measure the temperature of the water.

5. Elastic bands, to keep the material held around the copper can.

6. Stopwatch, to time the temperature as it decreases.

7. Safety goggles, for protection from the boiling water.

The three insulators put to the test:

a) Aluminium Foil

b) Cotton Wool

c) Bubble Wrap


My experiment requires having three copper cans that of which will be covered in the three insulating (or non-insulating) materials that have been chosen. The materials will be attached around the side area of the can and held with an elastic band. To make it a fair test all materials will be of the same magnitude and only one elastic band will be used to hold the material. I will put the thermometer in the copper can. I will then place the amount of boiling water required, into the copper can immediately after the boiling of the kettle, once the thermometer and boiling water are within the can I will start my stop watch and record the temperature in the can every 10 seconds up until 100 seconds. I will then repeat this experiment twice in the same material and then do the same for the tow remaining materials.

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Convection functions because heated fluids rise and cooled fluids fall, (due to their lower density). A heated fluid will rise to the top, exude heat away and then fall to be re-heated, and this will continue. Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of heated parts in a liquid or gas. It is also the circulatory activity that occurs in a fluid which is at a varying temperature, caused by the disparity of the density of fluid at different temperatures and the exploit of gravity.

The flow of heat by conduction occurs via collisions between atoms and ...

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