Investigating the refractive index of different types of transparent solids and to learn how density affects the refractive index.

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Shai Manor

Physics HL


Planning Lab:

Planning A:


Investigating the refractive index of different types of transparent solids and to learn how density affects the refractive index.


Density will affect the refractive index in terms of making it “bigger or smaller”. By this I mean it will make the angle at which it refracts bigger or smaller in relation to the glass used. This is because the denser the glass, the closer together the particles are packed. The closer they are packed, the more particles the light has to go through. Therefore, the higher the density, the slower the light goes through the glass. The slowing down of the light is the amount it refracts. I am thus expecting the speed of light to be slower through the glass.


Independent: type of glass used

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Dependant: refractive index

Controlled: Weighing scale, beaker, amount of water poured into beaker, lamp

Planning B:


  • 1 Weighing scale
  • 1L beaker
  • 3 different types of glass
    (Glass1= Green Glass)(Glass2= Milky Glass)(Glass3= Transparent Glass)
  • 1 Ruler
  • 1 white light lamp
  • Water (700ML) (every time volume of glass is measured)


  1. First of all, we need to find the density of the Glass.
  • Fill a beaker with 700 ml of water.
  • Place the first type of glass in the water. Record the volume, which is the amount of ml indicated on the beaker -700 ...

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