Investigating what kinds of materials are best at keeping water in a boiling tube warm.

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This practical investigation involves investigating what kinds of materials are best at keeping water in a boiling tube warm. A material that prevents this heat loss is called an insulator. Insulators have to prevent three types of heat loss:
· Conduction
· Convection
· Radiation

Conduction of heat occurs mainly in solids. This process is where vibrating particles pass their extra vibration energy to neighbouring particles.

Convection of heat only occurs in liquids and gasses. Convection occurs when the more energetic particles move from the hotter region to the cooler region taking their energy with them.

Radiation of heat can also be called infer-red radiation. Heat radiation can travel through a vacuum. This process is different from the other two it travels in straight lines and at the speed of light. This is the only way heat can reach us from the sun. Heat radiation travels through transparent media like air, glass, and water. No particles are involved in this process it is the transfer of heat energy purely by waves.

In this investigation I will be looking at conduction of heat through the boiling tube.

I aim to investigate what type of material is the best insulator. Out of the materials I will conduct the experiment, I want to conclude which is best and what factors effect its efficiency.

I predict that these factors will effect the efficiency of the material.
· Colour
· Thickness
· Density

The lighter the material in colour the better insulator it will be. I predict this because light colours are poor radiators, therefore they will reflect the heat back into the boiling tube.

The darker materials will absorb the heat and release it the other side so is a bad insulator.

The thickness and density of the material will also have a significant impact on the materials efficiency. Air is a very poor conductor, so materials with lots of large air pockets will be good insulators. For the material to have lots of air pockets it has to be less dense and quite thick. The air trapped in the pockets will prevent convection currents and trap warm air. These factors will help to reduce heat loss. A poor insulator will be thin with small if any air pockets, allowing heat convection and conduction increasing heat loss rapidly.

Based on the above evidence I predict the following for the different materials.
Blue Knitted Acrylic- I think this will be a sufficient insulator because although the material is of a dark colour it is quite thick and is knitted so will contain lots of air pockets.
Pink Knitted Cotton - I don´t think this will be a good insulator as the material is quite dark absorbing the heat. The material is also very thin, containing little air pockets.
Cream Woven Wool - I think this will be one of the best insulators because it is of a light colour reflecting the heat back into the boiling tube. The material is also woven providing large amount of air pockets.
White Pleated Cotton - I don´t think this will be a good insulator because it is very thin. The material is pleated so has very little air pockets. The material is of a light colour so however will reflect a certain amount of heat back onto the water.

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For this investigation I will need the following apparatus:

· Boiling tubes
· Thermometers
· Leather
· Kettle- to heat water
· Elastic bands
· Beaker

· Materials being tested:
-Blue knitted acrylic
-Pink knitted cotton
-Cream leather
-White pleated cotton

I will set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram below:
I will boil some water using the kettle. I will then pour the hot water into a beaker and then into the boiling tube. The boiling tube will be rapped in one of the selected materials, supported by elastic bands. I shall put leather and the thermometer at the top of the boiling tube. The leather will ...

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